Injury history... will it be a problem?

Braves fan

Jul 25, 2020
I’m a current junior planning on applying to USNA and NROTC. From 7th grade to the start of 9th grade, I had 3 knee surgeries. One on my left and two on my right. All of them were for torn meniscuses, but I am fine now. (Just had some very very very bad luck) They get stiff sometimes, but they would not stop me from the physical demands of the military. Will this be disqualifying? If so, how likely is a waiver if I can prove that everything is fine now?
send me an email:; provide complete name and last 4 SSN; and then paste the original posting above to your email. I can assist you better from there. :wiggle:
I’m a current junior planning on applying to USNA and NROTC. From 7th grade to the start of 9th grade, I had 3 knee surgeries. One on my left and two on my right. All of them were for torn meniscuses, but I am fine now. (Just had some very very very bad luck) They get stiff sometimes, but they would not stop me from the physical demands of the military. Will this be disqualifying? If so, how likely is a waiver if I can prove that everything is fine now?
Okay, OP, hang on here, this is your third fior post - I just answered your second dupe with a suggestion. People are usually very responsive in this community, and one post will usually do it.

The physical standard for commissioning is the same across all services and commissioning programs. What duffers is the Service waiver policy.