"Instruction Booklet"...?


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Jan 18, 2009
I recently recieved my appointment to USMA but it did not come with further information on what to do: Do I send in 7th, 8th semester transcripts, what do I bring with me to R-day, etc.

Will I be recieving an "Instruction Booklet" at somepoint or am I responsible to figure all of this out on my own?
You will receive a very comprehensive instruction booklet - and this information should be on your candidate portal online.

You will receive a list of what to bring on R-day, a "boot letter" so you can get your boots and low quarters, health forms, what you need for immunizations, a dental form for your dentist to complete, direct deposit form and many others.......

Your parents should also receive a booklet as well and you should get a DVD.

It is early yet and this material may not yet be available. If you are confused - send an email to your Regional commander.
If West Point is missing information they will contact you!

Congratulation on your appointment!!
DK90, congratulations on you appointment to West Point! :w00t:

While you wait for your booklets to arrive (or be posted to your candidate portal), take a look at the Class of 2012 West Point web page:


The 2012 "R-Day", "Information for New Cadets and Parents", and "Superintendent's Welcome" links may be of interest to 2013 Candidate Appointees. Just keep in mind that the instructions for the Class of 2013 will differ somewhat.