So this is my timeline so far as I see in the DODMETS website:
What does "Complete" mean?
You have appointment dates in the system, which is where you want to be. As soon as we begin receiving your exams, this status will change.
Your application will be automatically changed to a status of pending as of 12/14/2017 if your scheduled medical examination records have not been submitted to DoDMERB by your authorized providers.
This is ten (10) calendar days after the date of your latest scheduled exam (12/4/2017).
We a complete set of all of your examination records and they are currently being reviewed by a Concorde case manager. (This is confusing... the orthography is bad but from this I think it means that they *have a complete set of my examination records, BUT when you see below it says they have only received the Physical and the OPTO??)
Case Status Details
Take a screen shot or copy and paste this information to tell Concorde DoDMERB support staff about the status of your application if you need assistance.
Current Status Complete on 12/5/2017 12:46:00 PM
Date Medical Authorization Submitted to DoDMERB 8/10/2017 1:14 PM
Date Medical Authorization Approved by DoDMERB 10/24/2017
Applicant Pending Date (LastExam Date + 10 Days) 12/14/2017
Date Medical Exam Appointment 12/04/2017 11:00 AM
Date Optometric Exam Appointment 11/27/2017 11:00 AM
Date Audio Exam Appointment 11/21/2017 10:00 AM
Exam Forms Received
Test Name Date Received
Fphysical 12/5/2017 7:43:21 AM
OPTO 12/5/2017 12:46:04 PM
So my question is, IS THIS OK AND ACTUALLY COMPLETE or should I call my AUDIO provider and see if they sent the forms? Should I await for or is "AUDIO" a part of the exams forms?
Also, how much time does it take for the Docs to arrive to DODMERB and appear on the site? I mean, it says that DODMERB is reviewing my file but nothing appears yet.
What does "Complete" mean?
You have appointment dates in the system, which is where you want to be. As soon as we begin receiving your exams, this status will change.
Your application will be automatically changed to a status of pending as of 12/14/2017 if your scheduled medical examination records have not been submitted to DoDMERB by your authorized providers.
This is ten (10) calendar days after the date of your latest scheduled exam (12/4/2017).
We a complete set of all of your examination records and they are currently being reviewed by a Concorde case manager. (This is confusing... the orthography is bad but from this I think it means that they *have a complete set of my examination records, BUT when you see below it says they have only received the Physical and the OPTO??)
Case Status Details
Take a screen shot or copy and paste this information to tell Concorde DoDMERB support staff about the status of your application if you need assistance.
Current Status Complete on 12/5/2017 12:46:00 PM
Date Medical Authorization Submitted to DoDMERB 8/10/2017 1:14 PM
Date Medical Authorization Approved by DoDMERB 10/24/2017
Applicant Pending Date (LastExam Date + 10 Days) 12/14/2017
Date Medical Exam Appointment 12/04/2017 11:00 AM
Date Optometric Exam Appointment 11/27/2017 11:00 AM
Date Audio Exam Appointment 11/21/2017 10:00 AM
Exam Forms Received
Test Name Date Received
Fphysical 12/5/2017 7:43:21 AM
OPTO 12/5/2017 12:46:04 PM
So my question is, IS THIS OK AND ACTUALLY COMPLETE or should I call my AUDIO provider and see if they sent the forms? Should I await for or is "AUDIO" a part of the exams forms?
Also, how much time does it take for the Docs to arrive to DODMERB and appear on the site? I mean, it says that DODMERB is reviewing my file but nothing appears yet.