JROTC Nominations


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Nov 3, 2007
Hey folks,

New member here. Great forum and thanks for all the info you all have posted.

I have a son who is seeking an appointment to USMA and is beginning the nomination process. He is currently scheduling interviews with the MOC committee and starts tomorrow. Wishing him luck!
One question I have is that he is in Army JROTC in HS. Should he request his SAI (Senior Army Instructor) to submit a nomination application now or wait until he finds out from his Senator or Representative that he will/will not receive a nomination. I believe his admission packet requires the request to be submtted by the second Monday in January. Seems like that would be cutting it close since notifications probably won't be sent until the end of December.
I am under the impression that a nomination from his SAI would go into a general pool and lessen his chances of being admitted. Is this correct? Or, should he just get the SAI request submitted and hope for the best from the MOC/Senators?

Any advice you can give would be appreciated.
Thank You

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I am under the impression that a nomination from his SAI would go into a general pool and lessen his chances of being admitted. Is this correct? Or, should he just get the SAI request submitted and hope for the best from the MOC/Senators?

All your assumptions are correct. The odds of a JROTC appointment are infintesimal. However, it should be submitted because it is an opportunity for the board to read good things that the SAI says about your son. It also meets the academy requirement to submit requests to all sources eligible. Do it now.
Thanks for the quick reply USNA69 and for the advice.

I appreciate it.
On the contrary...

THURL: I am a candidate for USNA c/o 2012. I am in the NJROTC program at my high school. My SNSI (senior naval science instructor) filled out the paper work/recommended me for a JROTC nomination around the begining of OCT. I received the nomination 15OCT. My advice is for your child to go ahead and ask the SAI to fill out the paper work and get it done! I have an interview next week with one of my senators, and the following week with my congresswoman. We'll see what happens, but it feels good to have one nomination under my belt.
Thanks for sharing your situation navygirl. I get my son right on it. Fingers are crossed and hoping for the best.

Best of luck to you.
One other question for you. The instructions for applicants requests 2 forms be completed for the JROTC nomination. Form 5-497 which my son found on the Admissions website. But form 21-8 is not there as indicated in the instructions. Do you know if this form is available other than calling Admissions?


Sorry NavyGirl I just realized that you probably submitted your through Annapolis so you most likely can't answer my question.

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I just noticed the "on the contrary" title to your above post. What is this in reference to?
I think Navygirl does not understand that the Academies are limited in the number of appointments they can give on JROTC nominations.

I forget the number but I think they get more JROTC nominations than they are allowed appointments. This is why everyone with a a JROTC nom needs to seek a congressional nomination as well.
The academy will then have flexibility in making an appointment.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^I figured as much but just wanted to hear it from her. While a JROTC nomination is a given, appointment from same is very very limited, maybe even none.

Info: JROTC units can only nomintate to their parent academy unless they are an honors unit. Those specifically can nominate across the board to ANY academy