JROTC student actions during Parkland Shooting

So proud of the brave JROTC cadets, and so touched reading and hearing of the courageous and selfless acts of the young heroes.
The JROTC programs (all services) are so beneficial to students and all the knowledge and skills they learn in terms of character, leadership, and citizenship are priceless and life- lasting.
I believe there is a petition going around for Peter Want to receive a military burial with honors. There is no doubt that he is a hero.
I believe there is a petition going around for Peter Want to receive a military burial with honors. There is no doubt that he is a hero.
"By Sunday evening the petition garnered 17,000 signatures. It needs a requisite total of 100,000 signatures within 30 days to receive a White House response." Abc news
DS' babysis is a NJROTC cadet (in DS' former high school unit). She has been keeping up with the news. She had sent a handwritten letter to Peter Wang's AJROTC Department.
[emoji853] It would be nice if WP is involved with his memorial service in someway. Maybe an award certificate or even honors guard.[emoji848]
Like most of the country I have been following the media coverage of the victims and this young man obviously had the selflessness and bravery to make a great officer. I am glad West Point stepped up and I hope his family and friends gain some small sense of closure knowing what an incredible young man he is in the eyes of our country and how his actions are appreciated by the rest of us. Still a great loss for the family and our country!
Fired up the laptop to say that Brett Baier just did a nice piece about said JROTC cadet to put a capstone of today's show.

Well done.

5-6 pm Central is the only time I can watch FNC and he is consistently good.