Jump School


Nov 2, 2016

Today I received a call from my congressman letting me know that I will be receiving an appointment to USMA. I plan to accept it and hope to become an infantry or special forces officer. I had trouble on the PIP test (I believe I would have failed if the doctor had given me the appropriate amount of time on each plate). I don't know for sure but I think it is supposed to be two seconds and he basically gave me all the time I needed. AR 40-501 only states that color vision will be tested and the ability to determine vivid red and green is required. I can definitely discern vivid red and green. I have never struggled with color vision before the PIP test. I can also easily distinguish between red and green lights on channel markers when boating if this helps. Any information about the color vision tests for commissioning as an infantry officer, jump school, ranger school, and special forces selection would be much appreciated. Thanks.

Here is the link to the Army medical regulations, unfortunately they are pretty vague on this topic: http://www.apd.army.mil/pdffiles/r40_501.pdf
Congratulations on your appointment!

I know personally that it will be a DQ for SF as it happened to me. I was allowed Infantry, but not sure on your other questions.
I live in a harbor town, and I can tell the difference between the red and green entrance lights too, just like I can tell the difference at a traffic light.....not the same as the test.
Best of luck to you!
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The biggest issue will be Aviation. I have two close friends both red/green color blind. One spent nearly his entire career up to battalion command in the 82d over 90 exits and master parachutist qualified. The other guy is an infantry officer who commanded a company in the Ranger Regiment so no disqualifier for either Ranger School or RASP 2. Good luck!
"(4) For Airborne and Special Forces training: Failure to pass the PIP set or FALANT test for color vision (see para 4–2a) unless the applicant is able to identify vivid red and/or vivid green as projected by the Ophthalmological Projector or the Stereoscope, Vision Testing (SVT)."

Source: http://www.apd.army.mil/pdffiles/r40_501.pdf Page 62
So you're good to commission as an infantry officer and attend airborne, air assault, and ranger school if you can distinguish vivid red and green?
So you're good to commission as an infantry officer and attend airborne, air assault, and ranger school if you can distinguish vivid red and green?

There are definitely more medical requirements you need to meet to become an infantry officer and go to all those schools but as far as color vision goes, I think it's a yes. Also, have you tried FALANT? I heard a lot of rumors about how FALANT is way easier than PIP test.
There are definitely more medical requirements you need to meet to become an infantry officer and go to all those schools but as far as color vision goes, I think it's a yes. Also, have you tried FALANT? I heard a lot of rumors about how FALANT is way easier than PIP test.
I have seen pictures of the FALANT test online, but I have never had a chance to take a real one. I think I could pass it, but I don't know for sure.