Jump Wings!


15-Year Member
Founding Member
Jul 20, 2006
Son called this afternoon to let us know that he did his last three free-fall jumps at USAFA today and got his jump wings!

He has wanted to jump since 4-deg year. He had jump listed first on his dream sheet freshman year and was kind of disappointed to get soaring instead (for a little while, anyway). He had to wait until now and he took jump as a phys-ed class this year.

He now has his wings for soaring, powered flight, and jump at USAFA.

The adventure never ends!


Son called this afternoon to let us know that he did his last three free-fall jumps at USAFA today and got his jump wings!

How incredibly fun for your son!!!! You must be so proud to have parented such a confident and fearless young man!

Our son (2015 Candidate) will be jumping (tandum) for the first time this Saturday in celebration of his 18th birthday. He just can't wait. :biggrin:
Had a feeling some people would get their wings today....saw some chutes open over the airfield. Thats awesome for your son! Can't wait to get mine!
Wow, that's quite an accomplishment! Congrats to you and your son!
DS has soar this summer...already praying for good weather!
Congrats Stealth (& son)! Right there with you on the weather prayers OBXmom, DD has jump this summer.
For most it's an Academy highlight when they earn your jump wings...yours has had a nice run with soaring, powered flight and now jump. Congrats !
I hope I will be able to get mine this summer. Hope the weather will hold up for 5 jumps.

