@DAB42 is spot on with the suggestion for a campus visit. I was an appointee, but did not attend. In round 2, my DS is very passionate about the Maritime industry and I know much more today about KP then when I was applying. We did a campus visit over Thanksgiving and found it helpful. I've heard KP Liaison Officers encourage candidates who want to fly Navy to apply because of the success rate of those getting a Navy flight school option out of KP. I don't think your career ambition is bad at all. However, your thoughts on the maritime industry will hopefully change should you attend KP. Many on this forum have commented that USMMA is the easiest to get into of the 5 SA, but it is the hardest to graduate. Like
@kpmom2013 suggested - read as much as you can now. I truly think that is the impetus of your putting the question out there - good on you - you are absolutely doing the right thing in learning more about the school.
Why do people on this forum suggest it is the hardest to graduate from? The two that stand out to me will be your 12 months on a vessel at sea, and the remaining 6 semesters spent trying to do 8 semesters of class work.
If you strongly dislike maritime things.... that 12 months could do you in. I'm going to guess you have never done that before, so it could be an amazing life experience, or.... it could be one of your worst life experiences. Mindset is EVERYTHING - so have a Positive Mental Attitude (PMA).