Leave/ liberty

USNA liberty limits

These limits go back and forth, depending on what's going on at USNA. I've watched the pendulum swing back and forth on various liberty policies.

These policies are always reviewed at the end of summer before the Brigade reforms, amidst the usual swirling rumors. They may loosen up for a while, then there are major conduct incidents and the pendulum swings back to the conservative side. Changes of Commandants and Superintendents are usually catalysts for pendulum swings as well, because there are various theories on how best to bring the Brigade along in terms of military discipline.

The 22 miles for plebes is magically just short of Baltimore and DC, where the trouble zones start. It's been in place a long time.

Will be interesting to see how it plays out this year. If the plebes are doing well academically and everyone is behaving, that usually sets the scene for paying out more line.
Liberty Travel Limits were increased to 30 miles

Plebes this year have been allowed a 30 mile travel radius (from the USNA Chapel dome) while on Town/Weekend Liberty . My plebe and several of his shipmates have traveled to Washington DC and Va. suburbs this year on weekend liberty passes. This expanded 30 mile zone also offers a wider authorized base for USNA's Sponsor Parent Program.:thumb:
Leave begins after a Mid's Last Military Obligation (LMO) is complete. This year, at least, watch schedules have been adjusted (at least in my Mid's company) to make sure that the Mid's LMO is their last exam/class prior to a particular break.
Not heard of that. Certainly not the case in mine.

Usually, leave is scheduled to end at 1800 on the day they are due to return. However, at Christmas, that time was extended to 2200, or 10 PM.

Your "usually 1800" was only instituted with the Dant last year. Something about needing to be back early on a school night! It has caused much trouble for the Mids coming back from the West Coast. Before that it was 22:00. We may be seeing that pendulum swing again toward 22:00
Brigade return times after major leave periods

The pattern I've seen over the last 13 years for the return time for Reform or after a holiday leave period, when all 4000+ have to be accounted for, is the time creeps later and later, according to the Dant's beneficence .... then there is a major goat-rope event when the head count keeps coming in differently, and the nose counting goes on all night. Presto-change-o, back they go to 1800, so people can get some sleep.

All it will take for the 30 miles to be jerked back is a major plebe liberty incident ... throw in some youngster frat, underage drinking, civvies, honor issues and maybe a civil misdemeanor, and another legendary Mass Mid Misconduct event boils over! If the upper class are enjoying the leadership and trust of the current Dant, then they will put the pressure on their peers and plebes to practice smart Operational Risk Management when it comes to personal decisions governed by poor impulse control.

It's nice when the pendulum seems to be hanging out in the middle and not swinging to extremes of either lockdown or free rein.