Loa and medical


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Feb 13, 2009
If I do become DQed medically because my eyesight is beyond 20/400, I cannot receive a loa right? Or would they give you an LOA and tell you to get a wavier? How do waviers work exactly?
I don't know if you get DQ'ed for having bad vision, just being worse than 20/400 means that you cant be Pilot Qualified (I think, not sure though.) I didn't need a waiver so maybe someone who got one can explain the process a little better.
hmm, I dunno. I'm just worried. The dodmerb list says like uncorrected vision acuity worse than 20/400 is dq.
I think they mean that if you wear glasses, and your vision is 20/20 with the glasses on, then your good. If you wear glasses, and your vision cannot be corrected to anything better than 20/400 with the glasses, then you're dq'd. Most people have correctable vision to 20/20 with specs. It doesn't matter if their real vision is 20/400, 20/500, etc. (although I think 20/800 is the limit, not sure).
You can get a LOA but it will have "getting medically qualified" as one of the requirements for offer of admissions.
lol matt.
i think its safe to say as long as your eye prescription isn't -15 or worse you're fine. you obviously see fine since you go to school and I'm assuming have good grades. As long as your eyes are correctable to 20/50 with glasses or contacts you are fine and will not need a waiver.