
10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Dec 2, 2008
Okay, my son received an LOA from USNA yesterday (pending nomination and medical waiver). The question is: if he receives medical waiver but there just aren't enough nominations to go around for the students from the state of Maryland...would USNA open the possibility of NAPS to him at any point? Otherwise, without nomination, no USNA and he has to re-apply for class of 2014? Anybody have any experience with this? He would take NAPS if given the choice between that an no USNA due to nomination issues. (We have heard from one MOC with a "sorry" due to volume of applicants, we are still hopeful about the other three sources, just trying to see if he has another alternative...) Thank you in advance to any that have answers :confused:
The BGO's in residence can elaborate but -
I would say there is no possibility of NAPS. NAPS is generally for those who have an excellent application "except for" and that "except for" is usually an academic "deficiency" that keeps one from being scholastically qualified.

If he has an LOA - Congratulation, BTW!! - the academy wants him to have a direct appointment. If he applies to all nomination sources available and fails to win a nomination contact the CGO at once.
Good Luck!
where are you from in maryland? I am from Maryland and have received an LOA and nomination from USNA
where are you from in maryland? I am from Maryland and have received an LOA and nomination from USNA
Hi USeagle2, we are from New Windsor (near Westminster in Carroll co.) The only nom letter so far came from Barbara Mikulski with a "sorry." We are hoping for Cardin or Bartlett now...Did you get yours from Mikulski? The letters went out on Monday! Congratulations to you! I hope my son will meet you on Indoc day (or later during plebe summer) Here's keeping our fingers crossed :-)
The BGO's in residence can elaborate but -
I would say there is no possibility of NAPS. NAPS is generally for those who have an excellent application "except for" and that "except for" is usually an academic "deficiency" that keeps one from being scholastically qualified.

If he has an LOA - Congratulation, BTW!! - the academy wants him to have a direct appointment. If he applies to all nomination sources available and fails to win a nomination contact the CGO at once.
Good Luck!
Dear Just A Mom (love your screen name!) I am just a mom also :-)
Anyway, yes he has the guaranteed offer of appointment and the condition to be met is nomination...too bad about NAPS--hopefully USNA will find a nomination for him if he does not get one from the MOCs from MD. Who is the "CGO"? Do you mean BGO?
My son received a competitive nomination letter last week from MOC and he is 3Qed--no LOA, though. He was told a while back that he has a shot, but he's a long shot at USNA. Does being on a MOC's slate of 10 nominees do anything for him in the eyes of USNA, or are they sticking to their long shot assessment of him. We are also from Maryland.
I think CGO is Candidate Guidance Office (admissions office).
I think CGO is Candidate Guidance Office (admissions office).
Thank you for that clarification, I am not up on the abbreviations as much as I should be. As far as nomination affecting USNA decision, sorry, I have NO idea! I am hoping LOA from USNA affects the nomination list however...Good luck to you also! It would be great to see everybody at Indoc day!! Go Navy
Yeah - with an LOA your son is "too qualified" to go to NAPS.
Yes contact admissions and the BGO as well.

qwerty52 -curious as to who told your son he is a "long shot"?
I, too, am curious as to who told your son he was a "long shot.":confused:
It has been explained to us that MOC's do their eval, send "slate" with or without principle name, then the admissions office uses their own eval to rank - therefore if name is on "list" then regardless of placement, the academy used their ranking to pick any extras - offers then applied to other MOC's that didn't send any names. (Not have any names - I continue to find that concept unbelievable).
Do you disregard presidential nom? if so, cuz pool is toooo big?
My son has had his only interview - Congressmen, we are told that our senators don't interview - their receipt letters just said that he would be notified in december. Congressman uses advisory board, interviews til xmas and will notify all mid january.
we live in VA.
Sorry for the poor wording. That did not come from USNA; no one there has been asked or said anything about his application. We live in a very good school district. As a result, a student with pretty good grades is among a lot of students with very good grades. That and the number of kids from Maryland interested in USNA make him a long shot. The rest of his application is pretty strong, though. I was just curious if having a competitive nomination from a MOC meant anything to USNA? I am assuming that USNA will take USeagle2 or someone else which will leave my candidate where? 1. Exactly where my son was before the MOC's nomination 2. Higher on USNA's list for the national pool. 3. On a different list, which means something else. I don't know.
The answer to your question is yes. Having a competitive nomination means a lot. A whole lot. It means USNA has the legal authority to offer an appointment if they so choose.

Okay - so say your son is not #1 on the competitive slate - what happens next?
It is in the US Code:
The academy may choose 150 candidates who were nominated by a MOC but not offered an appointment (i.e. #1). This is done by merit and they compete against all others from the whole country - not just their district or state.

The academy also may choose candidate to fill the class - from those who have a congressional nomination.
You just need to wait and see what happens. Basically, he will be in the "national pool".
Without the nomination none of these options are possible. Hang in there and see what happens. It could be a while. A long while. Make sure there is a Plan B.
A candidate must live in the district of the MOC to be "applied" to that MOC's quota of kids actually at any Academy.........candidates on a slate from a MOC are often offered an appointment......they compete in the national pool as explained above and "charged" to another nominating source: VP, Supt, etc. Some on this forum and the CC forum have mentioned anywhere from 4-10 appointments being offered in their MOC's district. I think it is somewhat smoke and mirrors, but USNA gets to their number of 1200 in a class one way or another. As much as we want to understand and hope and fret, we really must let the process work and just wait.
they compete in the national pool as explained above and "charged" to another nominating source: VP, Supt, etc
Those in the national pool are not "charged" to the Supt or VP. Those are separate nominations.
Remember also, some on the congressman's slate of ten could have nominations from another source - i.e. Presidential, ROTC and/or prior service. All of this helps in finding a slot for the candidates.
We did not disregard Presidential nomination, he does not qualify (his dad is USNA class of 1984 and served 12 years on Submarines, but is no longer active duty...so no Presidential appointment possible.
We are hoping the LOA will sway an MOC into putting him on his list (we have one Senator and our Rep left to hear from...)
Thanks to all!