Provided you obtain a Letter of Assurance, as soon as the conditions are met and you have a nomination, does USMA automatically send you an offer (when the paperwork and sorting out is done at admissions, of course), or are you thrown back in with the admissions committee again to wait for it? I understand that this depends on a 3Q as well, as is stated in an LOA when it is received via snail mail or added to your portal. My "Gym Mom" (that's a thing at my school) told me she'd only seen one other LOA to USMA in her extensive wellness and nutrition career and the boy who had received it was given his offer during Winter Break after he was finally medically qualified by DoDMERB. Could someone provide an answer? Thanks ahead of time for the responses! @dragonite, I read your post and everyone else's before typing this up. As you are a fellow cadet candidate to USMA, I hope responses to this question assist you in your process as well.