Looking for a host family in Texas


5-Year Member
Jul 10, 2011
Good evening KP families,
Our DD will be setting off on her first sea split on November 16th out of Beaumont Texas. We would certainly appreciate a family that could lend her a hand while she is ashore. We reside in the Los Angeles Area of California and would be very happy to return the favor to any family that we can help.
Chris and Olga
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To the original poster:

I have removed your phone number and other personal information from this post. Please keep in mind that this forum is visible to everyone including non-registered guests. Having your personal phone number is a public forum is in my opinion not a wise thing to do.

It would be far better to just ask for a member to contact you via PM on this forum.

If you insist on keeping your phone number on here, I can't stop you from posting it. I just thought I would give you time to think about it.

I might suggest (maybe you have done this already) that this would be a need best posted on the FB family pages for each of the classes at KP.....as Stealth pointed out, this is a public forum and as a result you have NO IDEA who it is that might be volunteering to "watch out" for your daughter....at least on the FB pages, it will be limited to classmates families that are reading it......just my opinion as a mom in this semi crazy world in which we live :)
Another contact would be the local alumni chapter. Their contact info is available in the Kings Pointer or by contacting the alumni office.
Another contact would be the local alumni chapter. Their contact info is available in the Kings Pointer or by contacting the alumni office.

The Houston Chapter is one of the largest and the Galveston Chapter President is regional Vice President in the CPA - if you need contact information for them please do not hesitate to PM me and I will gladly vector you in their direction if you don't otherwise have the necessary information.