

5-Year Member
Jun 11, 2013
Will everybody receive this letter (Letter of Qualification)? On other forums, people said that many did not, even though they were 3Q'd. I haven't received any of my forms through mail either. Everything comes to my online portal - including my LOE. Is this normal or strange?
DS is in the same situation. Hasn't heard diddly from USMA, USCGA or USMMA. It gets frustrating, but I have heard many current and former SA attendees state that they never received such communications.

DS has taken it upon himself to keep the communication going. It takes different forms at each of his three SA schools that he has applied to. At USMMA the communication has been steady, two way and positive with coaches. At USMA DS was reinvigorated after his interview with a Retired COL who coincidently serves as coordinator for the MOC nomination. At USCGA the AO has been tremendously informative and accessible.

I think it's best to sometimes chart your own course. I like to lurk, read, listen and learn on these forums, but I find you should not compare DS or DD to others. Everyone's situation is somewhat unique and all reasonable candidates likely have some sort of "hook". Know your hook. Embrace it. Celebrate it. Use it to it's fullest advantage.

It just seems that no two paths to a SA and certainly to a military career are the same. Keep plugging as my DS will do. At the same time, I prepare my DS for the very real possibility of not receiving an appointment.

"Little do ye know your own blessedness; for to travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive, and the true success is to labour." - Robert Louis Stevenson
Will everybody receive this letter (Letter of Qualification)? On other forums, people said that many did not, even though they were 3Q'd. I haven't received any of my forms through mail either. Everything comes to my online portal - including my LOE. Is this normal or strange?

If you have an LOE I'm sure you're 3Q unless you were given it for recruiting purposes, etc. I've got an LOE but no letter and I'm positive I'm 3Q.
I posted about this on another thread. I have not seen the letter of qualification posted anywhere else, but my DS received it through his portal. I look at it as a positive in the sense that it states he is triple qualified. I go either way as to whether it is more definititive then LOE. The LOE doesn't seem to state that the candidate is QQQ'd, but goes on to give encouragement that the candidate is the type of person they want at WP. The LOQ doesn't state anything about "encouragement", just your qualified and get a nom.
LOA = Letter of Assurance = a spot for you is reserved IF you become 3Q with a nomination.
LOE = Letter of Encouragement = you appear to be a good candidate who is LIKELY to earn a spot IF you become 3Q with a nom. Because of that, you are authorized an Overnight Visit. These visits are normally reserved for candidates with an offer, but since offers are going out later, this gives individuals with a LOE the opportunity earlier so they can make a quicker determination if offered.
LoQ = Letter of Qualification = you are Academically, Physically, and Medically qualified (3Q) and need just a nomination in order to compete for an appointment. Your file was reviewed by your RC, a random member of the Admissions Committee, and another RC before being certified by the Director of Admissions. This process can take awhile, especially if there are any special reviews that need to be added such as legal checks for suspensions/tickets, or at risk test scores. Sometimes there are also 2Q letters - academically and physically qualified pending medical and a nomination.

As a general rule, expect an RC to work through his/her complete, potentially qualified candidates in order based on the combination of 1) when they finished, 2) likelihood of gaining admission, and 3) whether or not they have a nomination. If you finished early, have a nomination, and are a strong candidate for admission, your file will move to the front of the line. If you finished early, but are weak acadmically or might have an issue to qualifying your file, expect that your RC will hold off on your file to work higher priority applications. Keep working to improve though as he/she will get to it and that extra effort could move you up in the queue.

Each letter means something slightly different. None is an offer. I put them in precedence of likelihood of earning an offer, but the requirement still stands no matter what - you have to be 3Q with a nomination to gain admission. The only letter that means anything in the bigger picture is your Offer, ie, the BFE, that will come in the mail.