Low grades during second trimester


Feb 25, 2020
I was selected to attend NAPS for 2020 and wanted to feel a bit less stressful about the impact of my final grades of the year and the status of my offer.
I had a very difficult situation during January and February with my father being diagnosed with cancer and my dog passing. It affected my mental state tremendously making it hard to go to school some days.

As a result, my grades dropped to an average of about an 80/100 from a usual 90/100 and will most likely drop a few more when this grade becomes averaged in (75/100).
Do you think this will significantly impact my acceptance if they request my transcript?
Should I inform my admissions officer about my situation?

My dad told me last night not to mess up. I don't want to mess up. I just need to finish this year...
If I am correct since you have already been selected, they can't revoke the acceptance unless you fail a class, or if you're in high school, don't graduate. Anyone can correct me, but as long as you graduate high school you should be fine.
I have no idea if this is across the board but they did not request DD final semester grades. You do need your high school diploma to enlist before going to NAPS.
Okay, I appreciate the answer. To make it easier for my mind, graduation will be my only goal from now on.

High school needs to be over.