Mandatory Boxing


5-Year Member
Oct 4, 2012
Someone who has done the mandatory boxing at the academy please tell me how it works. I would like to understand the process my DS is going through.
Mandatory for freshmen guys. Its only 8 lessons of PE. He will also take Unarmed Combat 1 and 2 junior year. All of it is a gut check and you will come out mentally tougher and a better person for taking all of them. I enjoyed each of the classes. Like most things at the Academy, it is what you make of it. There is nothing like getting popped in the face then having to come back swinging instead of running to your mother.
Thanks for the info, do they box from day one or is the first few days learning how to box?
From what I remember, the first few days are on the bag learning form, technique, etc.
This year the first lesson was only bag work, every other lesson featured working and boxing against cadets. I, for one, did not like that class at all but I did gain an appreciation for boxing as a sport which I never had before.
I recommend watching any Rocky movie before taking a boxing GR.
For parents of daughters, the answer is a little different. Female cadets take an 8 session self-defense class rather than boxing.
I boxed in the class and during intramural a as a SMACK. I can't say it is my thing, but I got a lot out of it! Same for unarmed combat and Judo.