Marijuana Experimentation


5-Year Member
Jul 5, 2014
I unfortunately made the foolish mistake of trying marijuana 3 separate times. Similarly, I have had alcohol on a few occasions. I certainly plan to admit to all of it honestly on my DoDMERB forms, but will this automatically disqualify me from getting DoDMERB clearance and ever attending a SA? I've gotten many different answers ranging from nothing will happen to being prevented from ever attending a SA. If anybody could give me a concrete, definite answer that would be fantastic. Thank you so much in advance.
My son experimented with it once or twice. He admitted it on his application and it caused no problem. I don't remember what grade. 8th or 9th. It's something that he didn't tell me until he had to do his application. He just had to do a brief narrative explaining why and how many times. He said he was just curious and that was the end of it