'Marine warrior' receives Medal of Honor for heroic actions in Vietnam


10-Year Member
Dec 13, 2010
'Marine warrior' receives Medal of Honor for heroic actions in Vietnam’s Battle of Hue


Canley was born in Caledonia, Ark., and stole his brother’s paperwork to enlist in the Marines at age 15. "Advancing on Hue in January 1968, Sergeant Major Canley first saved the life of a soldier who had been struck by a rocket and was about to be run down by a tank, braving gunfire to retrieve him and carry him to safety. Then, when his commanding officer was hit, Sergeant Major Canley stepped in, pushing his troops into Hue to relieve American forces that were surrounded."

Semper Fi! Sergeant Major Canley.
My boss helped host a dinner for the SgtMaj Monday night. Her brother-in-law served with him in Hawaii I believe and his father was in Alpha 1/1 with SgtMaj Canley. She could not get in for the ceremony.

oorah, Sergeant Major