Marines get more flight hours than Air Force

I voted for Ronald Reagan, twice. He was the single best thing for Marine Corps aviation, ever.
All the fuel and flight hours you wanted. It seemed like the Golden Age, at the time.

I like how the Marines have used their standard Improvise, Overcome, and Adapt mantra to get more flight hours than the zoomies.
More training means more safety, usually.

Like they say, pilots don't come for the bonuses. Pilots just want to fly.
My son, not aviation, has been cannibalizing vehicles, he has repair parts that have been on back order for a year or so, and has dangerous stuff that doesn't do what it's supposed to when it's supposed to. The only way he can keep the required percentage of gear in an up status is to not operate it. And that of course is not possible.
The Air Force is short on maintainers. It's not as reported as the pilot shortage, but it is serious.

Parts supply is also an issue.