Maryland MOC's


New Member
Dec 3, 2014
Hello all - has anyone received a nomination from Sen. Mikulski or Congressman Hoyer? Scheduled for Sen Cardin this week.

DS already got his competitive nom letter from Mikulski for USMA and a friend of his got hers for AFA. We understood that she would do the other academies first, then sort out USNA since there are so many more applying in her area to that academy. DS has another friend that interviewed the same day for USNA but has not heard back yet. (As of when I saw him last night)
Hope that helps.
my friend from school put usafa as his #1 and I put usma as my #1. Neither of us got a nom from mikulski :frown:
No :frown:

Even if you got a nomiantion from Mikulski, you still have to beat out other 9 nominees to get an appointment.

Typically, you will have less competition within your Congressional district.

An anaology I make about the Senatorial nomination is like making the Olypmic 100m sprint team, but not earning the gold medal.
Not getting a sentorial nomination could be a blessing in disguise.

Unconfirmed rumor is that one MOC in MD will not double nominate. So a candidate that is #10 on the Senator's list will be excluded from this MOC's nomination list where this candidate could be #1 on this MOC's nomination list if he or she got a nomination from the MOC.
Well I know sen. mikulski, sen. cardin, cong. sarbanes. and cong. cummings don't from talking to their nomination coordinator. I can't speak for the others though:/.
Well I know sen. mikulski, sen. cardin, cong. sarbanes. and cong. cummings don't from talking to their nomination coordinator. I can't speak for the others though:/.

Misguided or misinformed bunch. MOC not double nominating can result in no one from the district getting in. Not all nominated candidates are fully qualified.
The service academy nomination coordinators. As in the people who actually make the decisions/are in charge of the entire operation.
To the post referencing the fact that sen Cardin and representative Sarbanes don't coordinate, I can tell you that that is wrong, they do talk.
^ yeah most MOCs in md talk for usna because they want as many as possible to have a chance.
DS has a competitive nom from Mikulski and a Pres. Nom. Already interviewed with his Rep, but no word yet. Just interviewed with Cardin today, so we asked the coordinator there and she said that generally Cardin will not give a Nom to a candidate that already has a Nom from Mikulski. We were not told to notify them if DS already had a Nom, so went through with the interview as planned. The panel did know about his Nom from Mikulski and mentioned it in the interview.

In any case, all we can do now is wait!