My DS had surgery for a torn labrum in his shoulder and eventually got the waiver but he voluntarily dropped out of his high-school lacrosse program his senior year to prevent a lifetime of regrets if he injured it again. It all worked out, he ran track instead and is now a plebe doing well.
We worked with DODMerb consultants and sent a letter from our doctor to DODMerb that surgery was successful, full movement, no lasting concerns etc...... got the waiver in time for the appointment.
Regarding your son's labrum tear- when did he have his surgery? Was your son DQ'd initially? My DS had surgery for labrum tear in late July & is a current senior. He has his DoDMERB exam this week. Any guidance or advise? He's been going to PT 2-3x a week & is hoping to start strengthen training in 2-3 weeks.
He went to NASS in June so has a passing CFA for USNA but USMA requires video this year so need to redo it & submit after he's fully cleared, same with ROTC fitness test.