Medical Question - Braces/retainers


Nov 14, 2022
Hello, I was wondering if anyone knows if I can get a clear retainer like Smile or a tooth straightening tooth retainer? I want to fix my bottom teeth because they’re slightly crooked before going to the service academy where I can’t for years after. Will I be medically disqualified if I get one and take it off by the time I have to report?
I have had clear retainers for after my braces to keep my teeth in line and had them in my DoDMERB report. There wasn't any mention of it good or bad during my exam and I passed just fine. I'd ask Mr. Mullen though, this is just my experience.

Best of luck.
Hint...SAF is not the place to get medical (dental) advice...what one person may have done (or gotten away with) doesn't matter. The DODMERB requlations are pretty clear,....if in doubt, ask Mr. Mullen.