Medical Waiver needed now on the Waitlist


New Member
Apr 1, 2019
My DD was deferred from EA and just received notification that she has been put on the waitlist. She was DQ'D in December and will need to receive a waiver. How does that work for those on the waitlist? Will they start the process now or must we wait to see if she get's accepted off the waitlist? Doesn't seem like there would be enough time... Thanks!
I have the same question. I was DQ'd for a shoulder separation that I received in September of last year. I completely agree that there does not see to be enough time.

Any information is appreciated!
i thought the uscga had to ask for a waiver for you

Yes that is correct, but they will not consider you for a waiver unless you are granted an appointment. So my question is whether they consider waivers for waitlisted individuals, and if they do so before or after being removed from the waitlist (and granted an appointment).
My understanding is that if DQed by DoDMERB (after their initial exams and follow up remedial requests have been completed) then it is up to the SA to request a medical waiver. I also understand that the request for a medical waiver is usually triggered by the candidate getting an LOA. I would assume that other status (e.g. wait listed) could also trigger the same request from the SA but I'm not certain.

The SA requests a medical waiver from a medical review board/bureau specific to the SA. For example, the USNA would submit their medical waiver request to the BUMED. The USAFA and USMA would have their own medical review board/bureau. Each SA maintaining a different standard of what can be granted a medical waiver given their specific goals Whatever the decision of the SA's review board (Waiver Granted/Not Granted/Request For More Information) would then go back to DoDMERB and be reflected in their portal. That is what I've come to understand as I've watched my DS go through this process. I'm not sure on the timeline for the waiver process.
My DD was waitlisted last year. She was DQd for an injury that happened when she was 4. It’s a “history of” classification. She did not make it off the waitlist last year, and a waiver was never processed. This year, she received a conditional appointment - now the waiver process has begun. No idea on how long it will take. She has until May 15, then the conditional appointment expires. We are optimistic that the waiver will be granted.

So from personal experience, a waiver will not begin unless an appointment offer is extended.