My Chances


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Jul 4, 2007
Hey, I'm new to the forums, male, and a rising senior, and I am wondering your opinion on my chances of getting into the Naval Academy.

GPA: 3.5/4.0

SAT: 500 M, 570 V, 570 W

4 Yr. Varsity Letterwinner in Swimming
3 Yr. Varsity Letterwinner in Lacrosse

Fellowship of Christian Athletes, 3 yrs.
Leo's Club: 4 Years, ran Relay for Life

Youth Group - tutored dis-advantaged children
Habitat for Humanity - Fund Raiser/builder
County Clean-up Organizer - 3 yrs.

Work Experience:
Lifeguard (Pool and Waterfront Certified) - 2 yrs.

Summer Seminar Session 1
Squad leader said she gave me a "really great" recommendation (what does this mean - is it on a points system) because I showed a lot of leadership. I also scored highly on the CFA.

Now, obviously my SAT's are not where I would like them to be, but I will take them again and hopefully do better. But, I am hoping that my activities record, essays, and overall desperate-for-appointment attitude will help with the admissions decision.

Also, how are my chances of getting into the Prep School or Foundation - I haven't spoke to the lacrosse or swimming coaches yet, but are these Prep Programs reserved for Athletes?

Also, does having a relative at the Academy help?

And, I am from a realtively non-competitive area, so will that also help?

There is no way that anyone on these forums can give you an accurate answer here. EVERYTHING you submit in the application and everything you say during your BGO interview is evaluated. Even if we knew the inner workings of the CGO, which we don't, how could we be asked to make a determination on less. How difficult is your school? USNA uses class standings, not GPAs. What courses are you taking? What are your grades in specific courses? The list of questions goes on and on. You can go to the admissions website and look at the profile for the current class to get an idea. The only thing we can say is to try.

Squad leader said she gave me a "really great" recommendation (what does this mean - is it on a points system) because I showed a lot of leadership.

Squad leaders can give a certain percentage of Outstanding grades which do add to your whole person points. Their evaluations are also available to the board which might confirm certain traits ascertained from the rest of the application.

Now, obviously my SAT's are not where I would like them to be, but I will take them again and hopefully do better.

You are correct. The Academy normally requires a 570M/530V to obtain official candidate status and then the Board is looking for a minimum of 600/600 but you can see from the class profiles that they do accept less. Your NASS invitation and official candidate status indicates that they probably see something in your package that they like.
You might also want to try the ACTs.

Also, how are my chances of getting into the Prep School or Foundation - I haven't spoke to the lacrosse or swimming coaches yet, but are these Prep Programs reserved for Athletes?

No, they are not reserved for athletes. When you go before the Admissions Board, if they find you academically unsuitable for the Academy, at the same time they may recommend you for NAPS or Foundation. You can begin by stating that you would really like NAPS, both on your application and to your BGO. Typically, these candidates have VERY strong packages with weak academics and/or SATs.

so, does having a relative at the Academy help?
Only if you are a legacy (son or daughter of a grad). However, the board may look favorably on this as an indication that you have a better than average grasp of what the Academy is all about.

And, I am from a realtively non-competitive area, so will that also help?
Initially you will be competing against only those in your congressional district, so the answer is yes. However, you will still have to Triple Qual. Also, in many non-competitive districts there are still one or two very competitive candidates.
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69's last point is important. This past year we saw several candidates on this forum who had multiple nominations including principal noms who were not triple Qed and thus received no appointments. Getting in the hunt most likely will require improved scores on the SAT or ACT, and more specifically, it would not seem likely that a stellar activities record would counter your scores unless you are among those under-represented target groups of USNA.
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However, you will still have to Triple Qual. Also, in many non-competitive districts there are still one or two very competitive candidates.[/QUOTE]

What does to "Triple Qualify" mean?
Triple Qualified means to qualify for admission academically (SAT's, grades, class rank, strength of schedule) , physically (CFA) and Medically (DoDMERB).

Also known as 3Q'd.
Just A Tweek to Just A Mom's thorough definition of Triple Qed ...

In addition to physical and medical qualification, it requires scholastic qualification of which academic and test performance are critically important. Here's where one's "whole person" score comes into play, I believe, and 69 can clarify, expand on this I'm sure, if he will. This includes recommendations of Eng, math teachers, BGO interviews, NASS reports (if one attended), and perhaps some coaches' feedback, if the person is a prospective Div 1 athlete.

In summary, it's more than academics.

Lastly, while 69 is right about none here being able to project your chances ... you can get some very good indications by starting at the class profile (currently 2010) on the USNA website. That's why they put it there, to give questions like yours some probabilities if not absolute "yea" or nay.