My swab validated Calc 1.


5-Year Member
Nov 17, 2015
Not sure if this means that he will have to take Calc 2 his first semester, take an elective, or be able to take a lighter lode. Do any of you know?
He will take Calc 2 and carry the same course load as the rest of his classmates. Depending on his major, it may mean that he will be able to take an elective earlier than some other members in his class. But that will most likely not take place until the end of his 3/c year at the earliest.
Thank you so much for your response. He is a Government Major if that makes any difference.
Thank you so much for your response. He is a Government Major if that makes any difference.

Like track and field said^ I did find in the course catalog what your swabs semester break down will be. Not sure if that will help with your question. The course catelog also explained a little about validation in line with what track and field said.


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Not sure if this means that he will have to take Calc 2 his first semester, take an elective, or be able to take a lighter lode. Do any of you know?

Like track and field said^ I did find in the course catalog what your swabs semester break down will be. Not sure if that will help with your question. The course catelog also explained a little about validation in line with what track and field said.

Be aware that the course catalog changes every year, and required courses can differ for each class (i.e. required classes for Government majors in Class of 2019 were different than those in Class of 2020). The course catalog for the Class of 2021 is not available yet, but can be found at this link upon it's release
If he is government and is part of the NEW core curriculum, he will not have to take Calc II from my understanding. Regardless, if he passed the validation test, he has the option to validate. There are pros and cons to both that the math placement folks can discuss with him. I can't recall when the new core curriculum kicks in, but I thought it was going to apply to this batch of swabs.
I will talk to him after the Flag Raising Ceremony this Saturday and see what guidance he has been given. I didn't realize that there was a New Core Curriculum, or that it changed from year to year. I have so much to learn. Thank you all for your thoughtful responses.
If my assumption is correct and he will not be required to take Calc II, I would recommend he go ahead and validate. Many of the reasons behind not choosing to validate would only apply if he were taking Calc II. Being a government major, he would have very little (if any) use for calculus in general for that major's curriculum. If he will be required to take Calc II, then it gets a bit more complicated on the pros and cons which the math placement instructors can elaborate further on with him.
Wow, that's a nice change to have some majors not take Calc II. It is by common reputation the hardest class at the academy...
I spoke to DS this weekend and he says that he only has one more math class due to the validation. He will be taking Probability and Statistics.
I spoke to DS this weekend and he says that he only has one more math class due to the validation. He will be taking Probability and Statistics.

As a government major, I am extremely jealous! Those of us not in STEM tracks always wondered why we were required to take four semesters of hard sciences (Chem 1&2, Physics 1&2) and two semesters of calculus. One semester of each would have sufficed in providing that general, all-around development they were shooting for. Prob Stats makes senses as a government major, especially in the policy track, as you are constantly using studies, polling, or metrics to support recommended policy changes. I actually really enjoyed that math class.

This will be for your DS as it will allow him an extra elective or two to really focus on courses he is interested in. Which government track is he planning on taking? International Relations, Policy, or Security Studies? I was in the IR track.

Wow, that's a nice change to have some majors not take Calc II. It is by common reputation the hardest class at the academy...

I actually didn't mind Calc II all that much. Physics II on the other hand, that was my GPA killer. I still tell people the only reason I got a C in that class was because I worked my butt off to barely pass tests and my professor felt sorry for me. I did well in the math classes, I was just abysmal at applying the math to anything useful. ;)
I switched from Fish kissing.... had to take Calc I, Calc II, multi variable Calc, differential equations, and prob stats....

My GPA suffered!