NALOA question


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Oct 4, 2008
I received a NALOA on my sub agency on dodmerb and I was guessing I got a LOA but I have two nominations already wouldn’t that mean I got an appointment? Would the subagency on DODMERB change to Appointment or is NALOA considered as appointment offered? Thanks a lot guys
I received a NALOA on my sub agency on dodmerb and I was guessing I got a LOA but I have two nominations already wouldn’t that mean I got an appointment? Would the subagency on DODMERB change to Appointment or is NALOA considered as appointment offered? Thanks a lot guys
Well, when did NALOA appear in the DODMERB USNA subagency section? For my son it appeared a few days before his LOA arrived. However, at the time he needed a nomination and a medical waiver. Are you medically qualified?
Yes I am medically qualified stated on the dodmerb website and also have a nomination from congressman and AFJROTC. I got the letter from DODMERB that I am qualifed medically and got a scholastically qualified letter from USNA. Thank You for all your help and input.
Well, hmm, I think it might just be very good news for you then. If you do not have an LOA in your hands it might be on its way...or even better. Now, don't quote me, but NALOA is exactly what appeared on my son's Dodmerb page right before he got the LOA--keep us posted!! Wishing for the best for you!
Where in the DODMERB site does it list your status?
you go to the dodmerb site and sign in with your user name and password. In the section that shows your naval academy medical status, upper right hand corner says "subagency:NALOA" Now, it says so on my son's status. He needed a waiver so we have been checking his status over the last few weeks. Hope that helps. I don't know if there are sections when you are medically qualified from the beginning. Good luck.
Where in the DODMERB site does it list your status?
Okay, here I copied and pasted so you could see, not same format, but same order inside a little box on his status page.

Agency: US Naval Academy SubAgency: NALOA

Admission Status Change Date: **-***-2008
Current Medical Status: Medical waiver granted (as of **-***-09 )
Code Description
D259.10 Waiver Approved - USNA
This is how it was for my son. He was tripled Q'd and had an LOA. His status also showed NALOA - meaning Naval Academy LOA. Then when he received his appointment the NALOA changed to US Naval Academy. It still shows only that - nothing else changed.
So, when you see it change to US Naval Academy - you'll know that your package is on its way. Congratulations, you are in!
Thanks everyone for you input and I guess ill be a plebe in class of 2013 .
Hi Navysupporter

Did the subagency change for NALOA to US Naval Academey? The agency entry also says US Naval Academy. Will there be two? Or does subagency go away when appointment is on the way?
I just looked at the dodmerb website at my status and it says "closed" im 3q'ed with a nom, does this mean i didnt get it? i just found out about the nom last week and it isnt reflected on my CIS page so i doubt dodmerb would know, but this "closed" is freaking me out! help!
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I just looked at the dodmerb website at my status and it says "closed" im 3q'ed with a nom, does this mean i didnt get it? i just found out about the nom last week and it isnt reflected on my CIS page so i doubt dodmerb would know, but this "closed" is freaking me out! help!
cycling, someone else asked about that closed status on a dodmerb thread earlier, search for it. I don't think it is bad news. Anyway, if you are freaking Mr. Mullen, his contact info. is also in the Dodmerb section. Don't freak out! :-)
ok i also have a question about the naloa. first of all i've had one since december. i see people talking about being 3'qd what does that mean? i hav'nt gotten any letters about being academically, medically, or physically qualified. but i DO have a loa with nomination and dodmerb qualified, so does this still mean i'm going to get the appt.
Okay--my understanding is:

Dodmerb qualified is medically qualified.

If you have an LOA, then you are scholastically qualified. (No need for an additional letter telling you that.)

The other "Q" is passing your CFA.

Assuming you did that, then with your nomination now in hand, you should be getting an appointment. Congrats!
oh ok thanks. i was a little confused with what people were saying about 3'qd. and i did pass the cfa. :smile:
Hi mjcac,

The subagency went away and it was replaced with agency: US Naval Academy.
Also there was: Status Date Change: January 9, 2009
No where does it say that an appointment was granted or an appt letter was sent...

The admissions officers must be laughing if they read our posts advising each other on what this means or that means, etc..ha! Anyway, it sounds like the real deal! Congratulations!
Thanks for the info, NavySupporter. I checked the DODMERB site today and the USNA is still as it was before receiving nomination last week. But, there is an admission status change date to Feb 3, 2009 under the US CGA agency?
No new status as far as I know. I have had the Appt to CGA since Dec. Any thoughts?
Hi mjcac,

The subagency went away and it was replaced with agency: US Naval Academy.
Also there was: Status Date Change: January 9, 2009
No where does it say that an appointment was granted or an appt letter was sent...

The admissions officers must be laughing if they read our posts advising each other on what this means or that means, etc..ha! Anyway, it sounds like the real deal! Congratulations!
You are right, if they are looking on here, they are getting new ideas on how to "torture" us... Just kidding.
Anyway, just checked the boy's DoDMERB status for USNA. His subagency:NALOA designation is now gone and all that is left is Agency: US Naval Academy. The admissions status change date has now changed from Jan. 28, 2009 to Feb 5, 2009--sure hope they mailed his appt. package yesterday...we are in MD so we might get to do the happy dance in the next couple of days!!! I am actually kind of glad we have been discussing these changes, it might help others not "freak out" too much :-)
Thank You Pmlutton for all your help and now my NALOA just went away with the status date going to yesterdays and hopefully that means I might be getting my package soon. Thanks a lot for your help and feedback.