Hello, I was wondering if applications to NASS has a deadline to when it can be turned in, I know that applications opened up just now but I think it would be best for me to wait for my SAT results coming in Feb 12.
Another question, is the application process a first come first serve process?
And finally, as I was looking through the app it asked for some classes and there was a check box that marked its level, (IB,HN,AP) I have had classes in my Freshman and Junior year that had accelerated in its course meaning it's not as hard as honors or AP, but is considerably harder than regular, what should I mark down for that?
Another question, is the application process a first come first serve process?
And finally, as I was looking through the app it asked for some classes and there was a check box that marked its level, (IB,HN,AP) I have had classes in my Freshman and Junior year that had accelerated in its course meaning it's not as hard as honors or AP, but is considerably harder than regular, what should I mark down for that?