Once a ROTC Scholarship is attained, can it be used for a school outside of the 5 listed on scholarship app ?

If yes, how does this process work ?

The short answer is yes. My DS listed UVA as his first of the five he requested. He was wait listed at UVA, and He did not have Texas A&M as one of his five. He applied for Texas A&M and was accepted. He had to request the transfer of his NROTC scholarship from the Navy office in Florida, and it was granted.

Would your DS consider reapplying to his #1 (UVA) next year and rolling over NROTC from Texas A&M ? Feasible / possible to do ? Is this Frowned upon ?
You need permission to transfer a scholarship from one college to another once you are enrolled in the program. Permission is often not granted. FOlks sometime transfer anyway with loss of scholarship.

Ok thanks .. will try to transfer and be optimistic in the meantime
Once a ROTC Scholarship is attained, can it be used for a school outside of the 5 listed on scholarship app ?

If yes, how does this process work ?
1st post, been watching for awhile and appreciate all of the great info.
DS received notice of NROTC on Monday assigned to UofM, Sent the request via the NROTC website. 4 Hours later, received email that his request was processed as requested to VT. 4 Hours!
Still waiting for USNA....
MOC sent and email requesting DS call his office last Friday regarding change in Academy status! After a stressful back and forth of phone tag, Finally made contact. After an extended conversation about how spring break was going and what the weather was like.....was informed DS received an appointment to the USMMA.
Asked about the status of USNA, MOC indicated that appointments were still coming in, and to wait.
Put the deposit down on VT so the Plan B process can be moved forward.
Good luck to all those waiting and congrats to those moving forward!