Yes, he was recruited for football and track.Is your son a recruited athlete for a particular sport?
Thanks, it's all so new and still sinking in. I'm sure I'll have a ton of questions as we are processing this news.Good- Your DS/DD will get great training, education, and will be better prepared for the pace of a SA. The prep schools hit math, Chem, physics, and writing pretty hard, which helps balance out any weak areas your kid might have. Bad - Prep school is a extra year of academy life. Ugly - There is nothing ugly. I was very happy to have this extra year of prep for my son. He was a bit disappointed at first, but now believes it was good for him and he feels better prepared for what's to come. My son is currently at NAPS as his CGA prep school. Hope this helps and would be happy to answer any NAPS specific questions you might have.
Prep school is a great opportunity. My DD attends the USNA and many of her friends attended NAPS. Every Midshipman with whom I have spoken said attending prep school was integral to their success at the Academy. In fact, most have said they likely would not have survived the first year without the prep school foundation.
My DS is a recruited athlete at USCGA and is apparently on the bubble in terms of direct admit or prep school He received a call tonight from the coach requesting an updated transcript with mid-year grades. For those of you who experience with the USCGA scholars program, any idea of minimum GPA and SAT/ACT scores for recruited athletes before Admissions offers a slot in prep school? My experience is only at USNA and recruited athletes at the D1 level is much different.
It is really hard to determine and forecast the scale for a direct appointment or a prep slot. Just know with a prep school offer the academy sees something really special in the potential candidate and wants them. It will make you absolutely crazy trying to forecast it on comparable stats. I Have a daughter completing her last leg of scholars year and all who are at the 3 schools are competitive in their own right. With CGA only bringing in a max of 300ish every year with over 1500 viable applicants they have to fulfill the needs of the academy in correlation to their process.
I will tell you this (you probably already know)if you are a recruited athlete seriously look at the rosters of your sport(s). Are you a specialized player? Does the team have this position stacked 3 deep? Have you asked the coaches how many are in scholars now for your position? Have they picked up a player during EA and of those direct appointments how many have accepted and qualified(not waiting for waivers)Those are the questions that will better help you get an idea or take away any sting for the final decision. With you having the experience from USNA the difference isn't so much the DIV1 vs DIV m3 levels. IMO it is the numbers CGA has to work with.
Go to the home page. Towards the middle there is a big forum on prep school. Your will get answers there.My DS got a Appointment to prep school. I don't know anything about it. Please give me the good, the bad, and the ugly.
My DS got a Appointment to prep school. I don't know anything about it. Please give me the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Which school are you at? And what do you find to be the biggest struggles?Current cadet at CGA prep school. It's not very enjoyable. GMC is better than Marion. It preps you well for the academy academically however the year itself is a struggle to get through