Nervous in Newton

More kids want to do government than engineering.
What major is your cadet? Do they find a harder or easier major for class work? Did they get selected EA or RA? This process can be so daunting and the wait can be so difficult on applicants and families.
He's a beansprout right now :). We've been to the academy about a month ago for an athletic recruiting visit. He's applying to AIM now.

If he gets in he wants to major in Nav Arch. He will apply EA in the fall.
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My student (attended AIM) was deferred from EA, completed Dodmerb, has been in regular contact with Admissions officer…still no word in Bears Den account. If a student is wait listed or, is offered a prep school slot do those decisions also come via Bears Den? Good luck to all those still waiting!
My son is just waiting....the Bears Den says that they are looking at his file but decision day is getting closer. Every other school that he applied to het got in, but this is option A. This is killing us!
It seems strange so few RA appointments have been posted here on the forum. I imagine it's impossible to know what percentage of candidates/parents are on here but we haven't had a single appointment since March 6th, right? Is it possible there's been a delay in processing?
It seems strange so few RA appointments have been posted here on the forum. I imagine it's impossible to know what percentage of candidates/parents are on here but we haven't had a single appointment since March 6th, right? Is it possible there's been a delay in processing?
Sort of seems like it, but number-wise, It's about on par with where it was last year at this time for RA. I know there are at least a couple who announced appointments but haven't updated the list for whatever reason. I feel like there will probably be a surge late this week and into next week.
Of course, my student would like a full appointment but would also be happy with prep. Does anyone know for students that are routed to prep, do they go at the same time as students who report direct to USCGA for swab summer?
I think in general it's because CGA is predominately a STEM school. The engineering and technical majors are their bread and butter and there aren't many options otherwise. Because of that, what you'll often hear from people is Gov and Mgt are in many cases fall back majors. If there's a cadet in an engineering major who is really struggling academically, they can make a play to switch to Gov or Mgt as they tend to be much easier majors with less homework. I'm by no means knocking these majors, it's just what most any cadet would tell you. That said, I think the gov and mgt majors take some gentle ribbing all in good fun from their jealous engineering counterparts over their better quality of life. LOL.

That said, Government and Management are great majors, important to the overall mission, and there are plenty of applicants who select those as their first choice because that's legit what they want to study! However, because those majors are partially self populated from internal trickle down, those who apply with those majors are potentially in a much more competitive pool.

My understanding is while it probably happens plenty, there's still a lot of red tape in changing majors. Particularly now that they are divided into 3 separate schools (Engineering & Cyber, Math/Science/Humanities, and Leadership/Government). I've heard it's harder to move outside of your school. You can't just do whatever you want at that place.

Another tidbit, I've heard people say for a period of time, Cyber was hot ticket to choose on your application. My cadet was recently telling me that right now ORDA is getting some attention as 2027 was pretty light on ORDA. 🤷‍♂️
Very interesting perspective! I appreciate the insight! The coach told my son that the management major was very competitive to get.
We are still anxiously waiting and praying for our DS and all the DDs and DSs!
Closer we get to 4/1, the more worried i get that i will received one of the declined message on the portal with last update batch. honestly, just want the wait to be over and move on with plan a or commit to plan b
Closer we get to 4/1, the more worried i get that i will received one of the declined message on the portal with last update batch. honestly, just want the wait to be over and move on with plan a or commit to plan b
We are in the same boat. If of interest, if rejected, my student is considering self prep at NMMI. You can enroll as late as the summer. (And we might need the time to re-group!) Good luck to all.
It has been a process hasn't it? Everybody just hang in there... almost to April 1. At this point nothing to do but live life and enjoy. On our end it is tough, like I suspect it is for many of you, because alterative options are actively communicating and looking for commitment. Just got to keep those balls in the air a little longer. My DS is recruited athlete at USCGA but we have been told from day one of recruitment that being a recruited athlete has very little weight in the decision process on the Academy side. He has kept in touch with the coach and AO throughout. Fingers crossed and best wishes to you and your DD and DS. They are all great people with great potential ahead of them no matter what happens with the USCGA appointments.
It has been a process hasn't it? Everybody just hang in there... almost to April 1. At this point nothing to do but live life and enjoy. On our end it is tough, like I suspect it is for many of you, because alterative options are actively communicating and looking for commitment. Just got to keep those balls in the air a little longer. My DS is recruited athlete at USCGA but we have been told from day one of recruitment that being a recruited athlete has very little weight in the decision process on the Academy side. He has kept in touch with the coach and AO throughout. Fingers crossed and best wishes to you and your DD and DS. They are all great people with great potential ahead of them no matter what happens with the USCGA appointments.
According to the 2021 USCGA Diversity Report to Congress (chart on page 6), 51% (138 of 265) of the Class of 2024 that reported for Swab Summer were recruited athletes.

It’s been my observation that USCGA relies heavily on recruited athletes due to the small size of the entire school and the desire to remain as competitive as possible regarding D3 intercollegiate athletics.

Anecdotally, we were told on more than one occasion that a lot of EA appointments go to recruited athletes.
According to the 2021 USCGA Diversity Report to Congress (chart on page 6), 51% (138 of 265) of the Class of 2024 that reported for Swab Summer were recruited athletes.

It’s been my observation that USCGA relies heavily on recruited athletes due to the small size of the entire school and the desire to remain as competitive as possible regarding D3 intercollegiate athletics.

Anecdotally, we were told on more than one occasion that a lot of EA appointments go to recruited athletes.
When we visited last month for the track and field recruiting event they told all the kids there to apply EA.
When we visited last month for the track and field recruiting event they told all the kids there to apply EA.
Thumbs up because I concur with your reply, not the over abundance of recruited athlete admissions.
When we visited last month for the track and field recruiting event they told all the kids there to apply EA.
THIS may end up being a tough lesson for us. My DS failed to get his ducks in a row for EA by a matter of days. To be fair that's also his athletic season and an insanely busy time of year for our whole family but for anyone reading this for next year, don't wait!
THIS may end up being a tough lesson for us. My DS failed to get his ducks in a row for EA by a matter of days. To be fair that's also his athletic season and an insanely busy time of year for our whole family but for anyone reading this for next year, don't wait!

If it makes you feel better, interest in USCGA was a late decision for my son, so while he could have had his application in for EA, it really needed the extra time. The coach said it's better to go regular decision and have the application exactly the way you want it, so that's what we did. He is currently at the academy and very happy.