New Materials sent via E-mail


5-Year Member
Apr 20, 2011
Just an FYI for all the appointees out there to be on the look out for an email. It is titled: Welcome to the United States Air Force Academy Class of 2016. There are 10 files for download that will need to be filled out and carried with you on I-day. The spectacle form must be returned via email or fax by June 1, 2012. Most of the required information is medical and all must be with you on I-day. List includes:
Airmanship Letter
Airmanship Program 1042
Airmanship Program Medical Questionnaire
HPV vaccination Letter
In-processing TSWF Encounter Worksheet
Pharmacy Cadet In-processing
Spectacle and Contact Lens Prescription Order Form
Welcome Letter Class of 2016
What to bring to In-processing Day letter
Has this email been sent out already or will be coming in the next few days?
DS received his this morning. It was emailed to 982 appointees (maybe those who are priors didn't need them?)
DS received this email this morning. I just wanted everyone to be aware that it was out there as the information contained needs to be carried for I-Day. Except for the spectacle/contact lens info which needs to arrive by June 1st, 2012.
DS received his this morning. It was emailed to 982 appointees (maybe those who are priors didn't need them?)
All the email addresses are listed. Bothers me a little. So much for privacy issues.
One potential problem is the important email ending up in a spam folder because of the number of recipients.
I did not receive this email and I am definitely one of the people who needs to fill out the spectacle form since I do wear glasses. Would anyone be as kind as to forward me the email? Please pm me if you are willing to do so, so that I may give you my email address.

It seems that my email provider automatically deleted the email as junk because I checked and found my email on the list, just never received it. Hopefully that didn't happen to a lot of people since that is some pretty important paperwork to have.

I did not receive this email and I am definitely one of the people who needs to fill out the spectacle form since I do wear glasses. Would anyone be as kind as to forward me the email? Please pm me if you are willing to do so, so that I may give you my email address.


Likewise, someone forwarded me the email, but it nothing came to my inbox or junk mail.
I did not receive the email either, could someone please send me a PM and forward it to me? Thanks!
questions about email forms

Did anyone else have any trouble downloading any of the forms? My DS was downloading and printing the forms last night and one of the forms would not open. It was one of the last forms that was sent. We were wondering if anyone else had any problems. Thanks in advance for help.
Did anyone else have any trouble downloading any of the forms? My DS was downloading and printing the forms last night and one of the forms would not open. It was one of the last forms that was sent. We were wondering if anyone else had any problems. Thanks in advance for help.

The last file on the email my DS received is smime.p7s. This is a SIME file. In the body of the email it says "There may be a SIME file attached to this e-mail; this is from my encryption and contains no information."

Bottom line. Disregard the smime.p7s file.
DS just got a email regarding a message on his portal about the tattoo form being sent in. We sent it in weeks ago. Did anyone else get this message/email? Maybe a should resend it, I am sure I have a copy. IT says it will delay his in-processing if he doesn't have it. USPS is not my friend right now.
I also sent Form 4428 in weeks ago in the metered envelope they gave us in the 2nd BFE and received the notification today. I'm sure we don't need to worry about it if we already sent it in.
Thanks justin45pro appreciate the confirmation! I know it says to disregard if we already sent it. Just thought I would make sure.
New form on admissions page

DS got an email this morning saying "You have a new message from the US Air Force Academy Admissions office. This message contains important information concerning in-processing. To read your message, visit your application status page at:" Once you login you will see "USAFA needs Air Force Form 4428 (Tattoos/Brands/Body Markings Disclosure) completed and submitted for all appointees or your in-processing may be delayed. If you have not already submiited the form, please open the attached letter for details." READ THIS CAREFULLY! Even if you do not have any tatoo's you have to fill out the form and take it to your ALO officer who has to discuss with you the policy on tatoo's and then the ALO officer has to sign the form. The form has to be faxed or emailed by June 10, 2012.
The difference in this morning's email was the form was attached. ALERT there is a third page on this email. It does look like a continuation page, not sure if it is necessary but, we are filling it out again (I had a copy of the original with the ALO signature and son's) and faxing it again this morning. DS has NO tattoo's-we did send it the first time with this information. I guess if you have questions you can call the number. I would rather they have more copies than take chances on making DS's in-processing a nightmare.
kdc246, I emailed Patty Edmond my name, birth-date, SSN, and the following message:

I mailed Form 4428 to USAFA a few weeks ago after completing the form. Can you check if USAFA received and processed it?

She replied and told me she received it.