New Remedial Request


Jan 27, 2017
Hi guys, so recently I was contacted by DoDMERB stating they messed up while reviewing my info and are requesting AMI for a concussion. I already have waivers for USMA and USAFA. On my DoDMERB portal it only stated that USNA was requesting more info about the injury. So my question is, if I sent the AMI to DoDMERB, would this effect medical status for every academy or only USNA?
was the waiver for concussion?
they may have not forwarded it to USNA and now can't find it.
that might be the mess up they refer to.
are they asking for something you already sent? if so, send it again.
No the waiver was not for the concussion! Yes they are asking for something I already sent, I'm just hoping it won't affect USMA and USAFA waivers since they were unable to process it until now.
you can either send it or not, up to you.
if you don't send it you can forget about UNSA
my son had a remedial for a concussion and was cleared in a matter of days.
The new remedial could affect your medical status at all the commissioning sources. It could just be additional information they need to make sure you qualify. It could be additional information they need so each SA can review your file for a waiver. Of it could just be additional information USNA needs to make a final waiver decision. All you can do is comply with the remedial request.