Next wave of SLE results?


Jan 18, 2019
Hello, I have recently been accepted to USAFA summer program but I have also applied to USMA SLE. I was wondering if anyone knows when the next wave of results for SLE will come out because I have to choose between USAFA and USMA before a certain date and according to previous threads results for SLE came out as late as the end of April.
I received my notification that I was accepted in Feburary last year, as did most of my squadmates that I was with during that week. I dont know if thats changed this year. I am guessing that if someone chooses not to attend then they invite the next person down on the list and thats why it extends into April.
I got into USAFA SS and just applied into SLE and I also want to apply to Naval academy. Hoping that I can go to at least 2 if I get accepted but who knows? Im just happy that I got into the summer seminar. Thank you
I also received notification in February last year. Don't worry if you don't get in but, keep pushing and congrats on Air Force summer program.