NMMI? Other prep schools?

Mine is a Falcon Scholar, and like many USAFA prepsters, narrowed it down between NWP and NMMI largely because the elevation is similar to USAFA. NWP is a one semester non-transferrable school, so for many, that's a turn off and elevation ends up becoming a wash since you'll have to take the 2nd semester at home which for many, is lower altitude. But at least you train, and take the CFA at high altitude, which at the minimum, you'll prove to yourself that you can handle that kind of training and performance at 'thin air.' Mine was offered the FFS at the last minute, and didn't get a chance to explore what the schools are like, so she "toured" each one, and the surrounding areas by Google Maps. She felt NWP was the best choice for her based on environmental location (National Forest), cost (there's still an out of pocket cost for FFS), atmosphere - things like being able to wear civilian clothes vs spending money on uniforms that she'd only wear one year. The down side of NWP is that the 1 semester you spend there, the classes do not transfer any where. The other 4 prep schools are full year, junior military colleges, so credits can transfer. With NWP, you go home after 1 semester (which you spend boot camping yourself to improve on everything you need for USAFA Admissions) because by the time you go home, Admissions will have everything they need from you anyway, and deadline is either closed or near closing. You'll need to take your 2nd semester at any college of choice (most go to a community college for affordability) and those credits can transfer, or be validated at USAFA. So you're really only missing out on 1 semester worth of credits, which will be moot should you gain an Appointment. One perk mine discovered she has over her friends who went to the year-long program is coming home for the 2nd semester, she got get a part-time job to make some spending/gas money, hone some job/life experience, deal with things like banking, DoD required vaccinations general adulting/business, relax a little (however much you can while taking 15 credits) hang out with friends, and be available to attend events at USAFA like Appointee Tours, which ended up being invaluable for her. (I mentioned it in this post: https://www.serviceacademyforums.co...n-prep-without-scholarship.95130/post-1025873 )

Occasionally, however, mine does kinda wish she was at a year-long prep school, because it's easier to have someone keep her on track vs doing all the planning, time management, and self motivation to finish things up. So if you put that into consideration, you'll have to ask yourself: how good at self motivation are you? Also keep in mind that if and when you get to USAFA, those are essential skills to have in order to succeed. Time management was stressed heavily at the Appointee Tours.
wish I had seen this post our costs for a Falcon is 2500.00 for the year. We take the Cadets to the Air Force Academy for their Appointment Orientation in the spring. We just got back right at the end of the school year. I am sure she will do well with the other program.
Please reach out to me I am the Director of the Program here in NMMI. hosea@nmmi.edu I am sure I can help you.
My DS is a football recruit that received his LOA to USMMA. He has been stuck waiting on approval of a medical waiver from DoDMERB for more than 3 months on an injury that took place in 2021. He got word today that his LOA would not be honored at this point weather or not he received his waiver due to the larger than expected class size this year. Is there still a chance to potentially self prep at NMMI this next year?
I can't speak for NMMI, but I'm sure that Marion Military Institute would still take a self-prep. Unfortunately they don't have football, but I'm not sure how much that matters at this point if USMMA isn't pushing for your student as a football recruit as things stand now. Marion has a great self-prep program, which my son just finished. He got appts to West Point and the Air Force Academy and is headed to WP.
wish I had seen this post our costs for a Falcon is 2500.00 for the year. We take the Cadets to the Air Force Academy for their Appointment Orientation in the spring. We just got back right at the end of the school year. I am sure she will do well with the other program.
Can you speak more to the Air Force Academy Appointee Orientation? Our DS is at GMC for his Falcon Foundation Prep. Is this a normal thing for all of the other preps? I know it's hard to speak for the others just didn't know if this may be something common.
After dropping our daughter off at NMMI and speaking at length with the Service Academy Prep director in person, I am very confident that this tough program will best prepare her for West Point next year. They have many opportunities to make decisions and learn from their successes and failures.