
5-Year Member
Dec 7, 2013
Hi everyone,

I am exploring some options right now, specifically, spending my last year of highschool at the New Mexico Military Institute.

I think I could learn some good life skills there, as well as how to live somewhat away from my family, what it's like to add the military portion to life, etc.

My question is this: Is this even a good idea?

Would admissions take one look at my record and say this must be a poor troubled soul? Would they say something like, she's already there, so there's no reason to bring her here?

Does anyone have any experience with this situation? Whether you do or not, I would appreciate some outside advice.

Thank you very much!
You can learn good life skills at home, and millions of people have been quite alright adjusting to college without needing to use their senior year of high school to prepare for how to live without their family.

Why, specifically, do you want to spend your last year at NMMI? If it is just to look good on your USAFA application, then I would say don't do it and enjoy your last year with your family. I wish I could have another year with my family.

Thank you Texmom.

FF, I appreciate the points you brought up. However, my family is exactly why I think it would be a good idea to do this year. I am very close to my mother and brother, so I think it would be a good trial run. At NMMI, I would still have a good amount of access to them, while still being away from home.
Zie, I can't exactly speak for NMMI, nor can I speak as a high-school student at a prep school. However, I am a Freshman in college as a "self-prep" for 4 of the 5 Service Academies.

I am currently attending Marion Military Institute, located in Marion, AL, and I can tell you that (insofar as I get an appointment) the prep-school route has been very nice. To me, it's a great way to ease into the military aspect of life, while still being relatively free to do what you want. Also, at MMI (and at NMMI as well, I would assume) you have great access to military personnel, advisers, admissions reps, etc.

For me, the prep school has been a significant "leg-up" as compared to prepping at other colleges, not only due to the military aspect, but just because of the structure in general. It's easy to focus on what you want, and just how hard you're willing to work to get it at a prep-school. I am currently around 1,500 miles from my family, and while coping with that at first was a tiny bit of a stressor, it definitely prepares you for life ahead.

Also, according to three of my AOs, being at a military prep school shows them that you are taking initiative and are capable of coping in a military structured environment.

Good luck in whatever your choice is!