Nomination for Re Apply

Can’t speak for all nomination sources. In my instance they viewed me more favorable and I can 100% tell you the academy views you more favorably too.
I was a reapplicant to USNA this year. The panel for my MOC was the same people who interviewed me during my first application. They commended my willingness to reapply, and the "determination and grit" that I showed in my reapplication. I received the nomination and later an appointment for the Class of 2028 at USNA, so I presume they tend to look favorably, but you also have to continue to demonstrate your want to serve and strengthen your application.

The one piece of advice I would have for anyone doing the nomination interviews is to be prepared for them to ask why you want to reapply, but not just in a broad sense, like what is your actual motivation to go to a service academy, especially if you are participating in an ROTC unit at your Plan B school. I was prepared for the general for the Why are you reapplying? But what I was not prepared for was when one of the interviewers said, why are you reapplying? You already have a fantastic option for commissioning and an SMC, and in NROTC, why restart at an Academy?
I was a reapplicant to USNA this year. The panel for my MOC was the same people who interviewed me during my first application. They commended my willingness to reapply, and the "determination and grit" that I showed in my reapplication. I received the nomination and later an appointment for the Class of 2028 at USNA, so I presume they tend to look favorably, but you also have to continue to demonstrate your want to serve and strengthen your application.

The one piece of advice I would have for anyone doing the nomination interviews is to be prepared for them to ask why you want to reapply, but not just in a broad sense, like what is your actual motivation to go to a service academy, especially if you are participating in an ROTC unit at your Plan B school. I was prepared for the general for the Why are you reapplying? But what I was not prepared for was when one of the interviewers said, why are you reapplying? You already have a fantastic option for commissioning and an SMC, and in NROTC, why restart at an Academy?
What was your answer? (If it's not a secret 🙂)
My answer was along the lines of going to USNA had been a goal of mine for many years and I feel that I owe it to current and younger self to reapply and not give up after getting told no once because what does that say about my determination and ability to push through adversity. I could not in good conscience not reapply knowing that I had the means and ability to do it.

My more generic response was I want to be fully immersed in the Navy lifestyle rather than the more Army style that I have at my current school.