Is it possible to change your second choice of a college once your NROTC application is submitted? If so,how would you go about doing this? Thanks for any help.
Note: College choices are used for placement at a particular NROTC unit only. Placement at a unit does not guarantee you admission to that college. We strongly suggest that you apply to all of your listed choices.
NOTE: Any change to school assignment must be approved by NSTC (Naval Service Training Command). Your request must be in writing and provide justification for the change. Send to:
250 Dallas Street Suite A
Pensacola, FL 32508-5268
or FAX (850)452-2486
NSTC will consider each request for change on its own merit, and will base its decision on the needs of the Naval Service, programmatic factors such as Unit size, cost and curricular programs offered and your justification. Requests for change should be submitted at the earliest opportunity.
Your NROTC Scholarship can only be used at a pre-approved NROTC Unit/College.
If you do not know if you should accept or decline a scholarship: you are not obligated in any way if you should accept; it is in your best interest to accept.