NROTC Marine Option


Nov 26, 2017
Hi! just wondering, is it harder to win a NROTC-Navy Option scholarship or NROTC-Marine Option scholarship?
Its very competitive for marines. Most marines (like 80%) commission through the Platoon Leadership Course (PLC). Regular Navy option is also very competitive.
So which one is generally more competitive?
Depends on who you are, what you want to be, which branch you want to join, etc... It's too broad of a question and don't choose one over the other just because it's easier. That's the wrong idea all together. This is about training to lead Marines and Sailors.
Depends on who you are, what you want to be, which branch you want to join, etc... It's too broad of a question and don't choose one over the other just because it's easier. That's the wrong idea all together. This is about training to lead Marines and Sailors.
I've already been awarded the NROTC-MO Scholarship, got the call yesterday. I was simply wondering if it was generally more difficult to obtain.
As stated above, both NROTC options are competitive, but in different ways. The Navy option is more academically competitive with an emphasis on STEM majors. The Marines don't care what you major in and it is not as academically competitive, but you need to have the personality and attributes that the Marines value.
Statistically speaking, the Marine scholarship is harder to earn than the Navy scholarship, by a factor of close to two (based on last years data). This is based on applicants and awards given.
Also, you have to be a total PT stud to commission as a marine. It is extremely difficult physically. This part is frequently overlooked when people say that they want to be a marine.
I have tried to search for a previous thread on statistics of those awarded a marine option scholarship. I am interested in what SAT scores have been successful, especially on the first board. While the application page notes a 1000 threshold score, I am sure successful candidates were significantly higher. Can anyone point me to that thread, or would anyone share their experiences? (I do know that the SAT is just one piece of the overall evaluation, just curious about that 1000 figure).
We are gearing up for the 2nd Board after not being selected on the first........1150 SAT, 3.5 GPA, 289 PFT, Captain of Football, All-District Track, 120+hours community service, Boys State, Latin Club.......learning that the applicants are very qualified and the process is competitive
OCS93C, mind if I ask how you found out you were not selected? (I did not think candidates were informed, and just assumed no news meant you rolled over to the next board, but maybe it varies by district?)
one of the recruiters reached out and said get your stuff ready for the next board........