OCP Uniform

We just got issued OCPs, but we won't start wearing them till later, probably next academic year. If you're coming to USAFA, I'd suggest buying some nice boots for the OCPs now, as they are going to get expensive soon.
Do you have any recommendations? I’ll be going to basic in June and I am assuming we will be in OCP by then. I’ve heard that most boots during basic get trashed, so it’s not worth it to spend the big bucks.
The Nike's are a solid choice. I just recently replaced the green pair I bought in 2012 with the coyote brown worn with OCPs and authorized with the flight suit.
My DS brought one pair of Nike’s to BCT and was issued a second pair of heavier boots. He wore the Nike’s for basic except for at Jack’s Valley. He is still wearing the Nike’s (7months later) and will try to make them last until they switch to OCPs in the summer.