PCQ Question

Where we live in Florida, our MOC and senators open their portals between now and May. My son knew by Thanksgiving 2020 if he had any nominations.
Currently where I live, but this year this senator's deadline is in September, and my representatives deadline is in October so
Where we live in Florida, our MOC and senators open their portals between now and May. My son knew by Thanksgiving 2020 if he had any nominations.
My congressman didn’t even have his interviews until January! Just goes to show how different it can be depending on your district.
This is the first post I’ve seen regarding questions for the class of 2027! How awesome! I don’t remember how long it took for USAFA to reach out and inform me of being upgraded to Candidate status, but regardless your candidate kit won’t open until around July anyways. There won’t be much for you to do until then. There’s a long road ahead of you but just enjoy the ride and learn as much as you can. I’ve found that applying to USAFA improves your applications to other institutions as well. I'm applying USAFA for the class of 2029. But, I was wondering how applying to USAFA improves my applications to other institutions.
I'm currently applying for USAFA class of 2029. I was curious on how applying to USAFA improves my other applications for the other institutions.
I'm currently applying for USAFA class of 2029. I was curious on how applying to USAFA improves my other applications for the other institutions.
It doesn’t. Assume you mean the other 4 service academies for “other institutions.”

While all the SAs are looking for top performers well-rounded in academics, athletics and leadership, they all have their own way of evaluating candidates and weighting skills attributes and traits they value. They also fully expect and don’t mind candidates are also applying to other academies, ROTC, and civilian colleges. They want each and every candidate to find a good two-way fit with an academy, and most importantly, with the service they will be in for a minimum of 5 years after graduation.

And if a candidate is offered an appointment to say, USAFA, that does not guarantee an offer from any other SA. Much depends on the competition in your nom categories.
It doesn’t. Assume you mean the other 4 service academies for “other institutions.”

While all the SAs are looking for top performers well-rounded in academics, athletics and leadership, they all have their own way of evaluating candidates and weighting skills attributes and traits they value. They also fully expect and don’t mind candidates are also applying to other academies, ROTC, and civilian colleges. They want each and every candidate to find a good two-way fit with an academy, and most importantly, with the service they will be in for a minimum of 5 years after graduation.

And if a candidate is offered an appointment to say, USAFA, that does not guarantee an offer from any other SA. Much depends on the competition in your nom categories.
Thank you so much for your response. What would you mean by a two-way fit exactly?
Also, I was curious if my GPA is on the lower end for the PCQ is there any way I can update it later on when I get a higher GPA?
Thank you so much for your response. What would you mean by a two-way fit exactly?
Also, I was curious if my GPA is on the lower end for the PCQ is there any way I can update it later on when I get a higher GPA?
Two-way fit - the SA thinks you are a good fit for their academy and service, and you feel an affinity for the AF or SF, the officer specialties available, the majors, the culture, and you come to believe those cadets and midshipmen are your tribe, and you think that’s where you belong.

Updating - recent applicants will likely respond.