So this is my actual situation... I just got my remedial codes but I am getting DQ for two of my three issues and I am not being asked for remedials for those two issues I am getting DQ (or pending a DQ) for.
This is all the information on my DODMERB page:
Date Event Code(s)
10-AUG-17 Application Added
10-AUG-17 Date applicant entered into DoDMERB system
04-DEC-17 Actual date of exam
18-DEC-17 Date exam reviewed
18-DEC-17 Date exam received at DoDMERB
18-DEC-17 Medical data entry
02-JAN-18 Date exam reviewed
03-JAN-18 Date letter uploaded - Remedial R259.10, R139.99, R261.01
Agency: US Air Force CSB
Cycle Year:2017
Code Description.
R139.99 Please have your physician provide a brief narrative summary of your hypothyroidism, provide current medication dose, state whether it is stable on your current medication dose, and provide copies of your last 2 TSH test results.
R259.10 Applicant pending Disqualification for:
D223.40 - Current or history of recurrent plantar fasciitis and
D223.80 - History of uncorrected anterior or posterior cruciate ligament injury , must complete AMI(s) before waiver processing may be considered.
R261.01 Please obtain thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)
I am aware that I can submit medical paperwork at any time but my dilema is if I SHOULD WAIT to be asked for it by the waivering authority (in my case USAF) once they get all the paperwork of my initial AMI's for the thyroid issue and the initial questionaire filled by me and the physician or should I go ahead and contact my medical tech about this now and send her extra documentation??? I am afraid they will not ask about it later in the waivering process and that I will just get DQ and have a much harder time fighting a rebuttal.
Anyone has experienced this before?
As a side note while I filled my medical questionaire the system made me fill up additional information in my own words (Orthopedic questionnaire) about these two issues and I described my diagnosis and prognosis. I described it pretty well...and I know the doctor did too BUT still I believe the extra docs that I have at the ready would help me. Those were not transcribed 100%.
When I was examined by the doctor they assigned to me (physician) he told me that DODMERB would probably ask for more documentation and that I should wait until they asked to send it in. I had brought all documents with me that day but he refused to send them in and told me to wait instead. He also mentioned that I had great hopes of being qualified because my physical was excellent and he would continue to explain everything in great detail to my benefit.
Should I just sent what I am being asked for right now and wait or should I sent extra docs right now?
I need opinions and direction please anything is appreciated.
Thank you!!!
This is all the information on my DODMERB page:
Date Event Code(s)
10-AUG-17 Application Added
10-AUG-17 Date applicant entered into DoDMERB system
04-DEC-17 Actual date of exam
18-DEC-17 Date exam reviewed
18-DEC-17 Date exam received at DoDMERB
18-DEC-17 Medical data entry
02-JAN-18 Date exam reviewed
03-JAN-18 Date letter uploaded - Remedial R259.10, R139.99, R261.01
Agency: US Air Force CSB
Cycle Year:2017
Code Description.
R139.99 Please have your physician provide a brief narrative summary of your hypothyroidism, provide current medication dose, state whether it is stable on your current medication dose, and provide copies of your last 2 TSH test results.
R259.10 Applicant pending Disqualification for:
D223.40 - Current or history of recurrent plantar fasciitis and
D223.80 - History of uncorrected anterior or posterior cruciate ligament injury , must complete AMI(s) before waiver processing may be considered.
R261.01 Please obtain thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)
I am aware that I can submit medical paperwork at any time but my dilema is if I SHOULD WAIT to be asked for it by the waivering authority (in my case USAF) once they get all the paperwork of my initial AMI's for the thyroid issue and the initial questionaire filled by me and the physician or should I go ahead and contact my medical tech about this now and send her extra documentation??? I am afraid they will not ask about it later in the waivering process and that I will just get DQ and have a much harder time fighting a rebuttal.
Anyone has experienced this before?
As a side note while I filled my medical questionaire the system made me fill up additional information in my own words (Orthopedic questionnaire) about these two issues and I described my diagnosis and prognosis. I described it pretty well...and I know the doctor did too BUT still I believe the extra docs that I have at the ready would help me. Those were not transcribed 100%.
When I was examined by the doctor they assigned to me (physician) he told me that DODMERB would probably ask for more documentation and that I should wait until they asked to send it in. I had brought all documents with me that day but he refused to send them in and told me to wait instead. He also mentioned that I had great hopes of being qualified because my physical was excellent and he would continue to explain everything in great detail to my benefit.
Should I just sent what I am being asked for right now and wait or should I sent extra docs right now?
I need opinions and direction please anything is appreciated.

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