Hi there! I've also been conditionally accepted to GTG ADO, pending two medical waivers. One is for my PRK surgery that I got through the Army, and the other is for a mild latex allergy.
The day I got notified that I was conditionally accepted, I also got my official DQs from DoDMERB. The way that it was explained to me by previous applicants and my medical tech is that DoDMERB will request AMIs/remedials before officially DQing you, so they have the paperwork they need already to send to the waiver authorities. Then (in our case), medical waiver requests will be submitted automatically for us to the CC Surgeon. I received an email from Ms. Jones, the POC for CC and waivers, and she said my paperwork should be reviewed in the next 1-2 weeks.... I am confident I will get my waivers but MAN, it's nerve-wracking not having the guarantee! Plus, I'm psyching myself out reading all these waiver request horror stories. lol.