Post Calc 3 math


5-Year Member
Dec 21, 2013
Well, I got rejected. No matter; I probably wasn't ready anyway. I'm reapplying for the class of 2019. Assuming I get in (big assumption obviously), I will have already completed calculus 3. In fact, I'm able to take an additional semester of math post calc 3 prior to going to USNA. If I'm interested in being a group 3 major and I want to validate as much of the math sequence as possible (I know I'd have to take the validation exams regardless) would it make sense to take an intro to stats class rather than Differential Equations? I believe the final required math class is probability and stats for group 3 people and differential equations for group 1 and 2; I'm not sure whether a standard college level intro to stats class coupled with the calc sequence would give me a good shot at validating the entire math sequence (or at the very least, be impressive to admissions).

Thank you!
you're right

If you're wanting to go group 3, stats and probability is your best bet. Some group 2 majors don'e even require DiffEQs. Good luck!