There is also the civilian prep option. It is sponsored by the West Point Association of graduates. I can only speak from a parent's experience, So others may have more information. I believe it is 50 AOG scholarships that are given out each year. I don't think it's a one per state allotment. These AOG scholarships are given to highly desirable candidates who are basically on the bubble. If you are interested, you can talk to your RC and see if this is an option as the AOG scholarships are influenced by the RC. There are six or seven civilian prep schools that accept the AOG scholarship for West Point. If you secure one of these, your seat at West Point for the next year's class is saved. You still have to gain another nomination, but AOG Scholars typically do not have a problem securing another nomination. Again, this is not the prep school at West Point but an alternative. My 2018 Cadet was an AOG candidate. It was an incredible experience for him. So bottom line, speak to your RC and let your RC know that you would be interested in a prep school option. Best of luck.