Principal Nomination


5-Year Member
Feb 7, 2017
Hello all,

I am an applicant for the class of 2022. I was told by my congresswoman about a month back that I secured the principal nomination from her. I am waiting for my dodmerb status and I am planning on taking my CFA in a week or two. With appointments starting to go out, does that affect my admissions chances given that I have the principal nomination? In other words, is my spot on my MOC's slate still safe or is it bad that I waited longer to take my cfa (wanted to train up more to make sure I'll pass for sure)?

Thank you!
Hello all,

I am an applicant for the class of 2022. I was told by my congresswoman about a month back that I secured the principal nomination from her. I am waiting for my dodmerb status and I am planning on taking my CFA in a week or two. With appointments starting to go out, does that affect my admissions chances given that I have the principal nomination? In other words, is my spot on my MOC's slate still safe or is it bad that I waited longer to take my cfa (wanted to train up more to make sure I'll pass for sure)?

Thank you!
Out of that bunk right now and DD on down to the track.... holy moly. #@#@$#$ 23423 4@ @#$@#
I am not really trying to be mean here but if you are having problems passing the minimum PT requirements why do you want to go to the United States Military Academy at West Point? In 4 years you will be leading soldiers of the best military in the World. In addition, there are hundreds of young men and women dying to get your slot that will max out the PT test. This is especially true if you plan to lead in combat arms units where men and women pride their selves on their physical fitness.

I see a lot of posts about doing the minimum on PT and still getting in. Not really sure what these young people are thinking? The United States Military Academy at West Point is no joke. Trying to do one better than the worst just won't cut it for you or for the people you are about to lead in combat.
Hello all,

I am an applicant for the class of 2022. I was told by my congresswoman about a month back that I secured the principal nomination from her. I am waiting for my dodmerb status and I am planning on taking my CFA in a week or two. With appointments starting to go out, does that affect my admissions chances given that I have the principal nomination? In other words, is my spot on my MOC's slate still safe or is it bad that I waited longer to take my cfa (wanted to train up more to make sure I'll pass for sure)?

Thank you!
Congratulations on your Principle Nomination, I believe the Admissions people like to see applications completed sooner than later, however if you have a principle Nomination I don't think waiting for DODMERB and the CFA will affect you at this point. Train hard and pass the CFA with flying colors.
Your "spot" on the MOC's slate is safe for a while. You do need to get your stuff finished. If you do not get everything completed by the deadline, your principal will then go out the window.
I am not really trying to be mean here but if you are having problems passing the minimum PT requirements why do you want to go to the United States Military Academy at West Point? In 4 years you will be leading soldiers of the best military in the World. In addition, there are hundreds of young men and women dying to get your slot that will max out the PT test. This is especially true if you plan to lead in combat arms units where men and women pride their selves on their physical fitness.

I see a lot of posts about doing the minimum on PT and still getting in. Not really sure what these young people are thinking? The United States Military Academy at West Point is no joke. Trying to do one better than the worst just won't cut it for you or for the people you are about to lead in combat.

I did not mean to make it seem that I was simply aiming for the minimum or that I was struggling with passing at the moment. I was training up to get my best possible scores on the cfa and once I got the principal nomination I decided to stick to the training and turn in my best cfa I can. I said I wanted to pass for sure because at the time of SLE, I was borderline with my scores but I have improved a lot since then. However, I do agree with what you are saying.
I did not mean to make it seem that I was simply aiming for the minimum or that I was struggling with passing at the moment. I was training up to get my best possible scores on the cfa and once I got the principal nomination I decided to stick to the training and turn in my best cfa I can. I said I wanted to pass for sure because at the time of SLE, I was borderline with my scores but I have improved a lot since then. However, I do agree with what you are saying.

Please do not leave it to the last possible opportunity before the due date. Officers exercise “operational risk management” every day. The prudent candidate plans for bad weather that closes roads and facilities, for illness/injury of tester and testee, for computer systems being down, for a need for a re-take, for family emergencies that can derail plans all around, for “stuff happens.” There is a reason for the military saying: “If you’re on time, you’re late.” Git ‘er done.
Hello all,

I am an applicant for the class of 2022. I was told by my congresswoman about a month back that I secured the principal nomination from her. I am waiting for my dodmerb status and I am planning on taking my CFA in a week or two. With appointments starting to go out, does that affect my admissions chances given that I have the principal nomination? In other words, is my spot on my MOC's slate still safe or is it bad that I waited longer to take my cfa (wanted to train up more to make sure I'll pass for sure)?

Thank you!
The application deadline is at the end of February, so you are safe at least until then. Admissions will wait on your DodMerb results (remedials and waivers) for some time after that, but exactly how long they will wait is not certain.

As others have said, it is never a good bet in the military to delay - "hurry up and wait" is a source of frustration, but has a purpose.
I did not mean to make it seem that I was simply aiming for the minimum or that I was struggling with passing at the moment. I was training up to get my best possible scores on the cfa and once I got the principal nomination I decided to stick to the training and turn in my best cfa I can. I said I wanted to pass for sure because at the time of SLE, I was borderline with my scores but I have improved a lot since then. However, I do agree with what you are saying.[/QUOTE]

If you took the CFA at SLE and passed, even a low pass, you should not need to take it again. If you're not sure if you passed, ask your RC. Were you asked to submit videos of you doing any of the events?
Having a Principal NOM is essentially a guarantee of admission as long as you meet the minimum requirements of 3Q. I'm sure you are above minimum in most aspects or you wouldn't have received a Principal NOM.
Bottom line, complete all items on your portal ASAP! Stay on top of DODMERB especially if you need any waivers etc..
Oh, and keep training! Even if you passed CFA, You will need to be in the best possible shape come Rday.
I did not mean to make it seem that I was simply aiming for the minimum or that I was struggling with passing at the moment. I was training up to get my best possible scores on the cfa and once I got the principal nomination I decided to stick to the training and turn in my best cfa I can. I said I wanted to pass for sure because at the time of SLE, I was borderline with my scores but I have improved a lot since then. However, I do agree with what you are saying.

If you took the CFA at SLE and passed, even a low pass, you should not need to take it again. If you're not sure if you passed, ask your RC. Were you asked to submit videos of you doing any of the events?
Having a Principal NOM is essentially a guarantee of admission as long as you meet the minimum requirements of 3Q. I'm sure you are above minimum in most aspects or you wouldn't have received a Principal NOM.
Bottom line, complete all items on your portal ASAP! Stay on top of DODMERB especially if you need any waivers etc..
Oh, and keep training! Even if you passed CFA, You will need to be in the best possible shape come Rday.[/QUOTE]

When I took the CFA at SLE, I do not know if I passed or not. The CFA never showed up in my portal so I assumed I did not pass.
I did not mean to make it seem that I was simply aiming for the minimum or that I was struggling with passing at the moment. I was training up to get my best possible scores on the cfa and once I got the principal nomination I decided to stick to the training and turn in my best cfa I can. I said I wanted to pass for sure because at the time of SLE, I was borderline with my scores but I have improved a lot since then. However, I do agree with what you are saying.

If you took the CFA at SLE and passed, even a low pass, you should not need to take it again. If you're not sure if you passed, ask your RC. Were you asked to submit videos of you doing any of the events?
Having a Principal NOM is essentially a guarantee of admission as long as you meet the minimum requirements of 3Q. I'm sure you are above minimum in most aspects or you wouldn't have received a Principal NOM.
Bottom line, complete all items on your portal ASAP! Stay on top of DODMERB especially if you need any waivers etc..
Oh, and keep training! Even if you passed CFA, You will need to be in the best possible shape come Rday.

When I took the CFA at SLE, I do not know if I passed or not. The CFA never showed up in my portal so I assumed I did not pass.[/QUOTE]

Contact your RC