Principal Nominations


5-Year Member
Jan 20, 2014
If I have a principal nomination for a Senator, is there a chance that I could just be appointed to a prep school? If so, would a 3Q change that? Thanks in advance!
If you are 3Q, I don't believe you are eligible for prep school. You don't need a nom for prep school, so having one makes no difference -- it's really about the area you're lacking in.
I will preface this with the best person to ask is your FFR or RC however - last year my DS was 3Q with a competitive nomination and was selected for civil prep. If you have not expressed interest in the civil prep option – do so.

As I understand it if you have a principle nomination and are 3Q - you are good to go!

f you are not 3Q - it would depend on which attribute you were not qualified in.

Is there an area you are concerned with?

Anyway - congrats on the principle NOM! I know it is extremely nerve wracking waiting for that final word but keep in mind the admission board is reviewing files daily and with a principle nomination – you are sitting in a very strong position!
Sorry, this was was made before I found it I was 3Q. Academics was the only thing I did not know I was qualified in, so I was thinking that they were considering me for prep school.

Anyways, thanks y'all!!:thumb: