Just to follow up, I am still waiting on an answer on what was used for the document for service academy time that was submitted to our HR. He is unsure what document he submitted to show the credit. From what I gather from your original post, you might be at step 2 of below. Not sure if you filled out the forms
SF 2803(CSRS)/
SF 3108(FERS) and SF 2803/3108A after receiving the estimated military earnings. But pending which retirement you fall under, those forms 2803 or 3108 have phone numbers to call if you have questions regarding documents to send. This might be a good place to start. Below I just copied and pasted from our HR page.
Military service for federal retirement purposes is any honorable active service in the following uniformed services:
· United States Army
· United States Navy
· United States Air Force
· United States Marine Corps
· United States Coast Guard
· Commissioned Corps of the Public Health Service,
· Corps of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Active duty in the various reserve components of the branches listed above is creditable. (NOTE: when you perform annual active duty training service during which you are on military leave with pay from a civilian position, the period is credited as civilian, not military, service.)
Full time National Guard duty is not creditable for federal retirement purposes unless you were ordered to active duty in the service of the United States or the service interrupts creditable civilian service and is followed by reemployment on or after August 1, 1990.
A period of military service may be credited for retirement and death benefits purposes, subject to the following conditions:
· The military service was performed before the date of separation upon which title to an annuity is based;
· It was active duty;
· It was not included in the computation of military retired pay*, or if it was included in retired pay, the retired pay was awarded based on disability incurred in combat with an enemy of the United States or caused by an instrumentality of war and incurred in the line of duty during a period of war; or granted under the provisions of Chapter 1223, Title 10, of the U.S. Code (Reserve or National Guard retirement);
· It was honorable service;
· A deposit is made for Post-56 military service. (CSRS employees that was hired after 10.1.82 and FERS employee )
*You can elect to waive the retired pay and have the military service added to your civilian service in computing your annuity. Click
here for more information.
Computation Rules:
Under the CSRS rules:
· The deposit equals 7% of base pay for periods of service prior to 1999 and after 2000.
· The deposit equals 7.25% of base pay for periods of service performed during 1999.
· The deposit equals 7.4% of base pay for periods of service performed during 2000.
· If you are not eligible for Social Security at age 62, no deposit is required for the military service performed on or after 01-01-1957.
· If you are first hired on or after 10-01-1982, a deposit is required regardless if eligible for Social Security. Note: OPM will check with Social Security for eligibility the year that you turn age 62 or at retirement, if later.
Under the FERS rules:
· The deposit equals 3% of base pay for periods of service prior to 1999 and after 2000.
· The deposit equals 3.25% of base pay for periods of service performed during 1999.
· The deposit equals 3.4% of base pay for periods of service performed during 2000.
· A deposit must be paid to receive retirement credit.
The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA) covers persons who perform duty in the “uniformed services”. This includes not only the armed forces and the reserves but also the National Guard and the commissioned corps of the Public Health Service.
If the military service falls under the provisions of the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA), the deposit is the lesser of the applicable percentages of military base pay, or the amount of the retirement contributions you would have paid if you had worked instead of being on active military duty.
(NOTE: Base pay does not include allowances.)
Interest Accrual:
Under CSRS rules, the earliest interest begins to accrue is 10-01-1986 or 2 years after you are reemployed into a CSRS position.
Under FERS rules, the earliest interest begins to accrue is 01-01-1989 or your second anniversary of entry into a FERS position.
Variable rates of interest are assessed. Click
here for the interest rates. No interest is charged if you pay the deposit in full before the first interest accrual date (IAD).
Military Deposit Process:
Step 1.
Complete the
RI 20-97, Estimated Earnings During Military Service, and mail it to the appropriate (direction on RI20-97 page 2) with all DD Forms 214 or official documents. In order to receive credit for any military service, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) will require the DD214 or official documents to reflect “Honorable or Under Honorable Condition” for the discharge characterization. If you do not have the DD 214 that reflects such characterization, you can request a copy as provided in bullet four below.
· If your military service is USERRA, you will need to specify periods of military service when you were on paid leave from your civilian position (military leave, annual leave, credit hour or compensatory time).
· U.S. Air Force Reservists with USERRA service will need to take the RI 20-97 to their Reserve unit to get the estimated military earnings if they had periods of paid leave during the military service, or if they are documenting the military service with certified military orders (AF Form 938 or equivalent) instead of DD form 214.
· If you have service with more than one branch of the military, you will need to complete a separate RI 20-97 for each and mail to the appropriate
military finance office.
· To request a copy of DD Form 214, you have three options:
a. On line at evetRecs,
http://www.archives.gov/veterans/military-service-records/index.html, OR
b. Via fax from the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) at 314.801.9195, OR
c. Mail request to: NPRC (Military Personnel Records), 1 Archive Drive, St Louis, MO 53138
Step 2.
Upon receipt of the estimated military earnings, complete the
SF 2803(CSRS)/
SF 3108(FERS) and SF 2803/3108A, Application to Make Service Credit Payment.
Mail the application along with the completed RI 20-97 and Member-4 copy of your DD form 214 to *******
Step 3.
HRSE will receive the application, review for accuracy, calculate the amount of the military deposit and provide you payment options.
Note: Military Service Deposits must be paid in full prior to the date of separation or retirement.