

Jan 30, 2018
Hi all,

2022 appointee here. So I have some pain in my elbows from doing push-ups (overuse, I think), so I have been resting them and not doing push-ups. I have kept up on running, though (which I always hear is the most important). My question is: Should I rest my elbows until I-Day, or should I try to tough it out and do them everyday still? I don't want to get there and not be able to do a lot of push-ups because I haven't done them in 2 weeks: to what extent do push-ups matter compared to, say, running?

Unless you have a serious injury, I expect that we'll have to do pushups nearly every day. So if the pain is bearable I would try to ease back into doing them. But if the pain is bad and you have access to a gym, I would try other chest excerices if you can do them comfortably, like dumbell flyes. They may not be optimal, but they will keep your pectoral muscles strong.
Give it a rest for a few days then try some sets. See how you feel. Proper warm up, stretching also help. If you feel okay then keep at it but don’t over train. They try to rotate exercises at PEP and what you do in the hall so there isn’t over use. You are young and will heal and recover quickly. Your body will tell you what it needs.