If parking on the streets of DTA, READ ALL SIGNS CAREFULLY. I apologize for shouting, better that then newbie Naptown visitors get burned.
For non-metered street parking, it may be free for 2-7 hours, within certain times. The sign will say. It's usually white with green lettering. That's to allow residents 24-hour parking access. DTA is a dense mix of residential and commercial, with off-street parking for homes not the norm in many areas. If the sign says 3 hours, your time is up in that zone after 3. Do not think you can move it to an open spot in the same zone and re-start your clock. Residents will have stickers on their cars, so if you park your car outside a designated time, you're toast again. On I-Day, you are unlikely to find a place anyway.
The nearest city garage, Hillman Garage, just off Main St., after you pass the CVS on your left, will fill up early. Local workers know to get in there and park before mid families try to get in. Do not commit the cardinal sin of trying to wait outside the garage when the Full sign is lit, hoping the gate will lift when a car comes out. Monthly parkers are guaranteed a spot, and the gate will lift for their mag cards. You will infuriate them by waiting at the lift gate and blocking access. Just a local's tip....I have gotten out of my car many a time to explain to a hapless waiting driver why horns are honking.
While I am on the honking subject, if you're not used to traffic circles, there are 3 in DTA and one out by the Westin. You have the right of way if you're in it. Don't stop/yield to let others in, just keep moving and get out when you need to. Those waiting to get in will do so when your departure creates a break. The honking levels definitely go up on I-Day, Comm Week, PPW, Parent Weekend, etc. The one at the seaward end of Main St. seems to stump many.
Search the USNA forum for years of I-Day advice on:
- which hotels have shuttles
- parking
- strategies for Stadium parking and using the bus
- I-Day in general
And, it can't be said too often, if you drop your plebe off early, depart to dump the car, with the idea of getting back for a hug and photo, have him or her wait well back from the invisible vacuum/black hole that is right outside Alumni Hall doors. If the line is moving well, any plebes standing too close will be sucked inside, regardless of their report time. Wait across the street on the parade field under the shade trees.