Question about Minor Food Intolerance


New Member
Aug 18, 2015
Hello everyone! I am thinking about going to USNA after high school graduation and have looked over the forms required for application. Under the Medical Requirements tab it says that having a food allergy results in disqualification. In my case I have a minor intolerance to casein (a protein in dairy) and gluten (a protein in wheat and other grains.) At worst, after eating these things I have some cramps and bloating, but that can be solved by using a digestive enzyme. Even then it is not severe enough to cause problems but I avoid it where I can. If confronted with these foods I usually just don't eat the gluten/casein part (e.g. eating a burger without the bun or cheese) but if I have to I can eat it regularly. My question is: does USNA permit use of digestive enymes or are their foods manageable for me?


Your best bet is to call Admissions and ask to speak with the medical representative to determine if it is waiverable (presuming DODMERB finds disqualification).